Chapter Two

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"George". His uncle groaned out opening the door to his room "When you're back from selling the horse... get working on the weeds out back. They're about to swallow the house." it was true the vines had been curling around the door making it harder nd harder to open and the windows were nearly unseeable.

"I'll get to it"

 "And, George?"


"Don't get distracted."

As he picked up the rope to lead the horse the animal suddenly let out an annoyed neigh "Come on, don't look at me like that." I wouldn't sell you, but we haven't got much choice." The long ride took a few hours.

"Horse and cart for sale." "Going for a price." "I'll be sad to see him go. Horse and cart?"

As he walked through the village, quickly getting distracted by the loud laughs of a crowd, 

"Fee-fi-fo-fum. Ask not whence the thunder comes. Ask not where the herds have gone...nor why the birdshave ceased their song. When coming home...don't take too long...for monsters roam in Albion."

The crowd murmured, exited children chanting with the narrator 

"Now let's turn that frown upside down. Here comes King Erik..." Trumpets start to play a simple tune "with his magic crown."

"Hello, mates!" A very short man with fake armor on had shouted out to the crowd voice high in pitch almost putting the idea of Erik to shame "I'm Erik the Great."

"Hello, Erik!" nether the less the crowd of enthusiastic children and desperate parents shouted there response

"Would you like to I defeated the giants?"


"In Gantua we set our scene... where a stalk has grown... from a magic bean. And from there, beyond the reach of men...a plague of giants did descend." the narrator started again 

As men roared laughter and applause and children and mothers boo'ed, George couldn't help but laugh.


"And what do we have over here? Hello, pretty. And what might your name be?" 

"None of your business" Alex had rolled his eyes annoyed, arms crossed annoyance present in his eyes

"Very pretty"

The man had grabbed Alex's wrist, the man noticed the iron piece of wrist armor wrapped around his wrist

"Where did you get that?"

"Nice." one of the other men laughed pushing the hood off of Alex's head

"From my mother. Now, please, let me be." Alex turned around starting to walk towards the exit of the giant tent

"Come on, go after him. Where do you think you're going?"

"What's the matter? Not enjoying the show?"

"Hands off. Hey." Alex had been pushed up against the back of the tent back laid against the plastic tent

"Hey, that's no way to treat him" George walked over to the group of guys before getting a punch to the head, hand coming up to touch he side of his masked face "To be honest, you looked too drunk to do that. What say we let the good man go home... and I'll consider forgetting this." 

Suddenly fear consumed the men's eyes as they looked oddly behind him rather than at him

"We're sorry, sir. We don't want any trouble."

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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