Chapter 57: Carousel 🎠

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It's been five days since we got the message from Exer. David has been working like crazy to figure out where he is, but we've had zero luck. We've looked in the forest, there abandoned lab, the lake, school, random buildings in town, everywhere. But we can't find him. Some of us are definitely starting to think that David just hallucinated because of how desperate he was for Exer to come back.

I was starting to doubt it myself. My glossy lavender heels clicked on the ground as I decided what top to wear with my violet metallic leggings. I settled on a lavender pleated skirt with a flannel pattern and my Beatles shirt. My hair was styled up into a ponytail with a black ribbon as I walked out of my room and down the stairs.

When I got outside, the engine of my car revved as I drove to school. David had told me Jackson was taking him on the motorcycle. As I was driving, something caught my eyes and I slowed down. After pulling over and hopping out of the car, I picked up a piece of fabric on the ground. It was incredibly similar to Exer's suit he wore at the funeral. I froze when I realized maybe this WAS the suit. I noticed tire tracks on the side of the road close to the evidence. Maybe someone had taken him out of the open casket. That's when I realized.

The day of the funeral there had been a commotion after Mr. Harry had put the flowers in the coffin. Everyone went over to a corner where Mrs. Sea had brought an album of Exer memories. While we had poured over the book, someone could have taken him out and lowered the empty casket into the ground.

My stomach jolted in a nauseaous way. David was right. Exer was alive. We needed to find him. The culprit must have put him into the back of a car, and he must have woken up from the knockout drug. Then he must have used his magic to jump out of the moving vehicle, causing the clothes to rip. The car must have skidded to a stop and they probably had to drug him again.

The realization hit me like a truck and I was shocked, happy, and scared. He was alive, but where was he?

I felt my arms wrapped around Mr. Vernon's neck as I kissed him, trying not to puke or act disgusted. Especially when he squeezed my sides. I turned my head slightly and pretended to be into it, although it was hard not to gag when slid his tongue into my mouth.

He walked foward, still kissing me, causing me to take a few steps back with him. I felt Mr. Vernon's hands slide down to the back of my thighs before hoisting me up and sitting me on top of something. Damn. Was I that short?! He was at least six two. David was five nine, and I was five five. So he still has to lean over a little bit.

He had pale skin, dark hair, and a crisp suit. Whenever his eyes opened they were mahogany. It had been at the very least a week since I started acting like I liked him. I'd let him kiss me, touch my face, hair, arms and torso. Luckily he didn't tend to reach lower than that.

When he trailed the kisses to my neck (which, spoiler alert, I didn't like), I opened my eyes. He had sat me on the polished wood backing of his desk. I let him do it because he has been, in all fairness, giving me more privileges.

First off, I got a blanket in my room. Second, I was allowed to walk around a bit as long as I had guards with me. Hell I was even allowed to look out the window, but only shortly and all I could see was water. I knew we weren't on a boat because the world didn't rock. But other then a little bit of extra food per day, I was screwed. Especially because instead of feeding me one cup of grits, they feed me two. I never want to even look at grits again, and they were gross to begin with.

I felt pain on my neck and let out a slight gasp. He bit me. Oh god I hate him. But I didn't say anything. I have to do this to get out of here. I thought back to Brenda and David. When I dated the pumpkin girl I only ever pecked her on the mouth a couple times. However David has more privileges. I'll kiss him on the mouth, forehead, and cheek when he lets me. I'll also cuddle him. But this guy was going farther than David and I have by doing the stupid neck kissing and picking me up.

I thought longingly of the sunny beach on the outskirts of town where Day and I would make castles. I'd chase him and even though he was taller, I would scoop Day up in my arms and throw him into the water. He'd always get mad, but then he'd burst into that joyful laugh of his, which was much more pleasant to listen too then Brenda's barn laugh. I love that girl, but damn her laugh is insane. I recalled Jackson talking about it and snickered.

"What's so funny?"
I heard the dark, forced sweet voice of Mr. Vernon as he straightened up and looked at me. I shrank slightly under his gaze.
"I was just thinking about my... Dad."
I lied. I was worried he'd get mad at me for doing anything related to my friends, specifically David. He nodded slowly. I wanted to leave, but I left when he told me I could. I tried asking the first day and I grimaced at the memory.

I had made up my mind to act like I liked the guy to escape, and so when he called me to his office and asked me how I felt, I told him I wanted those privileges, therefore I wanted him. Apparently I'm good at lying when I need to. So he immediately flung his mouth into mine, and I didn't thrash or struggle. After a while of him running his hands across my arms and face, I was done. So I had stepped back.

"May I leave now?"
He glared at me.
"No you can't."
"I want to go now please."
"You listen to me freak."
SMACK! He had slapped me across the face, causing me to skid onto my back. I froze in fear. My cheek was burning. It felt like he had hit me with a baseball bat. Hard. I had breathed out shakily when he yanked me up my arm and pulled me towards him.
Mr. Vernon's fingernails dug into my bare arm so hard it left bloody cresent shapes afterwards.
"Listen to me you fucking alien. You'll do as I say if you want to be rewarded."

I flashed back to reality. He took my hands in his and pulled me towards him. Then he slid his arms down my chest and to the waist band of the jeans I was provided with. I felt my heart drop into my stomach when he slipped his hand and started to pull them down.

I needed to think of an excuse. Quickly. So I reached behind me, grabbed his hands, and pushed them in front of me. Then I whipped out my most sly smile. I knew he'd hit me again if I straight up told him to stop, so I had to freestyle a bit.

"I want to do something else."
I batted my eyes at him. He sneered.
"I want to do this."
I put a pout on my face and ran one hand up to his face.
"If you love me, you'll respect that."
I did my 'Lucy-only' voice and cooed, leaning toward and looking up at him, while internally retching. He faltered a bit. Then he grinned.
"Okay, what do you want to do?"

Okay, maybe I hadn't exactly thought this far.
"Hm. Well, I'm a bit tired."
I swooned, hinting I wanted to be left alone because of all the testing and grossness I had to go through.
"Oh, are you?"
He stroked a hand across my face.
"Well alright. I'll send you back. But first, a kiss?"

I resisted the urge to stab him with the letter opener on the desk and leaned toward. I shut my eyes and he pressed his lips to mine. I could feel Mr. Vernon slide his hands around my waist and pull away after at least two minutes.

When he let me stand however, he pressed a kiss to my cheek and pushed me somewhat roughly outside into the hall and the guards who led me to my room. The minute I got to my closet I couldn't help the bile that rose to my throat and caused me to retch into a bucket. The bucket was meant to be a chair. David was the one who kissed me on the cheek all the time, and I let out a strangled sob. David was the only one I loved, and would ever love. And right now I needed him more than anything.

I knew it was impossible but I wanted him to save me from this needle coated hell. I wanted him so bad. It felt like I was on one of those carousels David liked so much, where he was never out of sight, but never within reach.

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