Chapter 29: Are You Allowed Out?

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"Yes. We have an agreement with them that if any of their patients show signs of possessing magic, they are to send them here to be trained."

My head spun. All the time I was at the mental institution, they knew that I was most likely a Descendant and that I probably wasn't delusional.

Emotions swirled in my gut. I didn't know how to feel about that. I wanted to laugh, cry, yell, and kick something. All those months of hiding my ability, of trying so hard to be "normal" so they'd let me go home. It felt like it was all for nothing.

Tears stung my eyes and I clenched my fists.

Ruby squeezed my arm. "Don't feel like they betrayed you. They actually saved you. If you were taken to another hospital, you could have ended up staying there permanently. You are so lucky that Doctor Calthorpe has agreed to help us find Descendants who don't know what they are and have had some uncontrolled outbursts of magic. It's our aim to find you all and give you your lives back by getting your power under control and keeping you safe. You have no idea how many Descendants end up in mental institutions each year."

I shuddered, remembering the frustration I'd felt at being in there when I didn't belong and thinking that I would never get out. At least this way I had a much better chance of going home. I just had to learn control as fast as I could.

I tensed. "How many people know that I can see ghosts?"

"Just the staff at Mirrabooka and Waratah, and me."

I let out the breath I'd been holding. It would take me a while to get used to them knowing what I could do.

"We won't tell anyone. Confidentiality and all that. We'll leave it up to you if you want to let your Descendant friends know. Probably not a good idea to tell any Normals."

I nodded. I was still trying to get my head around the fact that they had known all this time.

Ruby smiled. "It's a lot to take in, but you'll be alright." She stood. "I think that's enough for today. Don't want your head to explode. I will see you again on Monday."

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I wasn't in the mood to talk during dinner, my mind lost in thought. Kellie was being weird again and avoiding eye contact and I knew it was because of what had happened with Justina and Kassandra. I would have to talk to her and try to fix things between us. She'd been nothing but nice to me since I got here and I didn't want to ruin our friendship.

I also needed someone to talk to about all the stuff I'd learned today, but I wasn't ready to tell any of them I could see ghosts. I needed to talk to Johnny. It was weird, usually he was the last person I wanted to spend any time with.

But he knew what had been happening with me. He understood.

As I let myself into my room, I found it empty and it bothered me that I was disappointed.

I kicked off my boots and sat on the bed. I'd missed a message from Alina asking if I was free tomorrow. She wanted to come out and visit me. My heart leapt. Excitement warred with a fear that once she saw me out here, it would somehow change things between us. That was stupid because she'd already seen me in the mental hospital and she was fine with it. Well, she seemed fine with it. She hadn't treated me any differently.

But I just couldn't help worrying.

I told her I was free and that I couldn't wait to see her.

We texted for a while, but I was still restless. I pocketed my phone and wandered outside. I stood on the verandah and took in the beauty of the sunset. The reds and oranges creating a beautiful effect that would be an artist's or photographer's dream.

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