Chapter Two

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Zane squinted at the fading ground as he hovered in the air. Turns out super sight was not in the cards.

"You ok back there?" A voice shouted over the noisy whirring of helicopter blades. 

Zane grunted in response, a reaction that the pilot took as a positive, judging by how he continued skyward. 

Zane looked down at Sergeant Lane who watched their ascent with his arms folded. He briefly wondered if his telekinesis could reach him from this height and considered trying to knock away the officer. He relented. The guy had just been doing his job, Zane couldn't summon any animosity against him.

He looked forward instead, noting the vastness of the sky that they now accommodated. It was the first time Zane had been on any flight, and he marveled at the experience. A day ago he might've felt more fear than awe, but that was before he was a Meta. 

Perhaps subconsciously he was beginning to believe he was a bit invincible.

The helicopter drifted forward eastward toward the island where Clifton Academy was located. Zane assumed the more rowdy teenagers were transported by armored bus and over the bridge that connected Aetherport to the island. Zane didn't know how to feel about being categorized as docile enough to fly in a helicopter, but he knew a major part was Max being in a cage beside him. 

He wasn't confident enough to attempt freeing them both safely and they knew it.

Max seemed to be taking his first helicopter ride well, laying down on his cage floor calmly. Zane's hand was itching to pet him, but they were chained together as were his legs. Not docile enough to be gifted full control of his body apparently.

Luckily the ride wasn't long.

Zane studied the approaching island with frustrated resignation. It had become a skill of his at some point throughout his life. The ability to accept unwanted change and adapt accordingly. Maybe all orphans learned it at some point.

Although he had never seen an island he could tell this one was relatively small. Still, the campus itself was big spanning around twenty thousand acres. The island had an ominous feel about it and Zane attributed it to being a disguised prison.

Just as the helicopter veered over jagged spikes of earth that lined around the surf, Zane got the feeling that they were being watched. He simply couldn't shake the feeling, even as he leaned away from the windows.

He hadn't even landed yet and he was creeped out.

Finally, the helicopter swerved over the large iron gate that seemed to stretch around the perimeter of the campus grounds. The helicopter started hovering above one of the smaller buildings which had a raised platform on the roof with H marked in the middle. The pilot started descending as two figures walked onto the roof.

As the helicopter touched down the pilot turned and regarded Zane with a smile. "We have reached our destination. Feel free to leave a tip for a flight well done."

Zane stared back at him blankly. 

The pilot frowned. "One of those types, eh? Well, I hope the academy manages to loosen you up."

Zane ignored the pilot's words, convinced he didn't know what he was talking about. How could a prison loosen someone up?

One of the figures he had seen turned out to be a woman who appeared to be in her late thirties. She wore a business ponytail which just reached her shoulder blades and her sleek dark brown eyes stared intently at Zane as she approached. It felt like she was trying to look beneath his skin's surface and into his very soul.

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