Chapter 9 Y/n POV

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December 13, 2017

2 days before Download Festival Japan 2017


6:00 am

As the plane takes off, I look to my left. The window seat is taken by Jen Ledger. My seat is in the middle and Joey has the aisle seat. Like the gentleman he is, he takes my carry-on and puts it away then kisses my forehead and smiles.

"You're going to be ok, Deviant. I'll be right here the whole time." He runs a hand through my hair.

"Thanks, Joey." I force a smile and sit down in my seat right next to Jen. I look over at her, keeping my hood up and not letting her see more than my jawline. "Are you and Seth really not a thing?"

"We never have been. He knows that I'm not into him like that. Plus, he has a girlfriend." Jen replies with a smile I can't help but envy. She's probably flown multiple times compared to this being my first. "You seem nervous."

"Yea, I have a fear of flying. It's never really been an issue until now because Slipknot has been on the North American tour for all of my time in it. I've never flown in my entire life, but Japan is an island. We have to fly."

"You have aerophobia?" She asks with wide eyes.

"Yea, but we don't fly often. Like, at all." I explained.

"I can understand that." She smiles. "Can I ask something?"

"Go ahead, but answers aren't guaranteed." I warn her.

"Why does Slipknot wear masks?" She questions.

"We wear masks because they're interpersonal to us. It's like, our darkest feelings and emotions go into these masks and it's that personal and drawn from the darkest corners of our minds.. And it's like a visual representation of how our music sounds." I explain.

"It was never really about being scary. We're all kind of nuts." Corey chuckles from behind us.

"Corey, shut the fuck up and lay on Jim's lap like a good little submissive bitch." I shoot him a glare, my face away from Jen.

"Attention passengers, this is your captain speaking. Please store all carry-ons in the overhead cubbies and fasten your seatbelts so that we can begin takeoff. Thank you." The intercom says while I grab Joey's hand.

"Please keep me safe." I whisper to Joey and only Joey.

"Always, babygirl." He wraps an arm around me and pulls my face to his chest so I don't have to watch the plane take off. As he holds me like this, I can smell his cologne and a little bit of sweat. He always wears cologne when he's around me and it makes him even hotter to me. And he knows it.

As the plane takes off, Jen looks at Joey, whom I can only assume by his noticeably large boner is looking at my ass, and speaks.

"Why does she do that?"

"Aerophobia, but this helps in any situation she might have including anxiety or panic attacks, and her depression. I just cuddle her and she'll be fine, don't worry." Joey explains.

"Oh, I get it. I do the same with Seth on occasion. It really helps."

The plane gets to the altitude and I look up at Joey, not wanting to really move.

"Can I sleep like this?" I ask, already getting tired.

"Come here, baby." Joey picks me up and puts me on his lap, letting my head rest in the crook of his neck and wrapping his arms around me. I latch onto him tightly.

"Dude, you just trapped yourself for all eternity." Sid chuckles to Joey.

"I know, but I really don't care. I'd rather be here with her in my arms than without her in my arms and her having a panic attack next to me." Joey nuzzles me. "I love you, my little Deviant."

"Love you, Joes." I groan, falling prey to sleep as it overtakes me.

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