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New walked to the room following the sounds of crying. It was almost midnight when he had gotten the call from P'Pharm. In had come home today crying and no matter what he or P'Dean did, they couldn't get him to stop. He was the only person they could think of that could help.

New hadn't seen In at all that day, as if he were avoiding him. So hearing he came home crying was a shock.

He walked into the room quietly, seeing In curled up in the corner of the room. He sighed and walked over, sitting on the floor next to him. Being there but giving him space. It didn't take long for In to lean over, attaching to his side to seek comfort.

"I'm sorry..." he manages to croak out. New just holds him closer.

"Calm down first. Then we can talk. I've got you."

New held him for hours letting him cry himself out until the sobbing slowly stopped and the boy lay slightly shaking in his arms.

"I love her..." he says quietly. "I love her and I didn't want to because I knew it would fuck everything up everything me and you had built everything she's worked so hard for I don't want to love her but I do..."

"You're talking about Jew, aren't you?" New asked calmly, running his fingers through the shorter boy's hair. He feels the boy nod and he just squeezes him slightly.

"I know..."

"Y-You know?" He looks down, meeting the big confused eyes staring up at him. "How?"

"Sweetheart it's not hard to tell. You look at her the same way I look at you. I've known for a while." New smiles bopping In's nose.

"And you're not...mad?"

"No. It would be hypocritical if I was."

"Hypocritical...wait." In sits up more realization dawning on his face. "You love her too?"

"Hard not too. Seeing you two...I don't know. It just.... It makes me happy. It feels right."

"But she's with Em..." In leans back again curling against New.

"So we wait. We love her from a distance. And we will be there when she needs us."

"You're such a gentleman..."

"One of us has to be. You're kind of a brat."

"Hey!" In hits his arm causing both of them to break into laughter.

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