Chapter 1

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"I told you to set your alarms for earlier, get up before we're late!" She shouts through the door, waiting till she hears the answering groans, and a pillow being thrown at the door. "Get up! Now!" She calls again before walking back into her room and shutting the door revealing a collage of her and her friends and family from since she was a kid. She smiled a little, glancing at the pictures before turning around and glancing around her room.

Her room has been the same since she moved into the apartment two years ago. Posters of different Thai and Japanese rock and pop bands covered the off-white walls and the light-stained wood door to her closet leaving almost no space for more. She had shelf's all along the wall next to her usually open bedroom door, filled with books and CDs of over one-hundred different authors and artists in languages of all kinds. Along the opposite wall, a large window with candles and different colorfully bound journals along the sill. In one corner was a white painted wood desk with a black rolling chair, a blanket tossed over it, covered in pens and homework sheets sitting atop her laptop. Next to this, her bed was a basic queen mattress tucked into the corner of the room, baby blue soft sheets and an oversized light grey comforter rumpled and bunched from sleep and tangled with a fluffy soft throw she had on top. The four soft, grey and blue pillows she kept on the bed had long since fallen on the floor, leaving the sleep worn body pillow tucked against the wall. All around her room random stuffed animals were hidden, most tucked away into her closet among her band t-shirts and school uniforms.

She turns on music on her phone, QLER's อยู่ก่อน played through the room. She made her way to her closet to put on her uniform. Foregoing her usual button up today, she pulled on a basic grey t-shirt and her navy blue engineering jacket over her black skinny jeans. She took a minute to study her reflection in the mirror on her closet door. She was..a complicated mix. She loved herself, sure, but she had her insecure moments. Most of them have to do with her body. But even she had to admit, she looked pretty okay today.

She laughs softly as she shuts the door. She grabs her bag and leaves her room. She moved through the hallway, making sure she could hear the shuffling of clothes coming from the other room before slipping into the bathroom. Setting her bag on the floor, she grabs a brush off the counter and brushes out the small tangles in her hair. As she starts to pull back and clip the bangs of her hair into place with her signature-since-middle-school bejeweled flower clip, she thinks of her life over so far to get her to this point.

Jew Wanichakarnjonkul has spent her entire life around the same people. Her parents were one of the dream couples of campus. Team and Win Wanichakarnjonkul had adopted their little girl when she was born, around the same time that all their friends had become parents as well, only a year being the biggest age difference. They raised Jew like the princess she was in their eyes, into the strong Civil Engineering student she was today.

Being adopted she looked nothing like her parents. Her long, naturally straightened light brown hair contrasting to her papa Win's occasionally bleached blonde but naturally dark brown hair and her dad Team's deep black hair. Her soft brown eyes a lighter, caramel shade compared to the deep-dark ones her parents share. She's not seemingly short, but definitely shorter than her dads. But she was more obviously their daughter in the way she acts. She has her Dad's love for lays, her Papa's focus in studying, their shared love for swimming. Even small mannerisms, Team's confused eyebrow crease and Win's playful smirk. She was definitely their daughter.

Jew was startled out of her thoughts, almost done with her eyeliner when a series of rapid knocks sounded against the bathroom door messing her up. She groans, grabbing a makeup wipe as she opens the door revealing a panicked looking brown haired boy. In, the son of Pharm and Dean, was short in size like his dad and had the same fire and sass that the pair try to hide themselves, but he shows with pride. He was already dressed in his uniform and sheepishly smiled through his apology as he pushed his way into the bathroom.

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