Unsaid love

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Meerab's pink painted lips broke into a smile as she gazed at the moon sitting in her garden that had a variety of flowers from roses to jasmines. It was late at night and all she could think about was that one man who unknowingly stole her sleep.

Murtasim Khan. The very name held that intense power to heat up her whole body. Wasn't it weird that a girl didn't felt shy in any sort of situation would blush deep red just because of a man who barely acknowledges her presence in the house.

However, he still manages to make those butterflies flutter their wings in her stomach simply by looking at her for less than a second.

Ofcourse he had many important issues which needed his personal attention but couldn't he smile at her for once instead of giving that curt nod whenever she greets him?

Why will he after all he already has a fiance who loves him more than anything else.

Haya , the perfect wife material and to be khaani of the khan haveli. She was everything which Meerab was not.

She followed all the orders of Maa begum blindly without questioning them no matter how wrong or right they are. All her life she had no purpose other than becoming a good wife and daughter in law.

She was a living robot simply following the instructions of her master correction Maa begum.

On the other hand Meerab always knew her priorities , her courier , financial independence and a life which she will live on her own will.

That's why for all the members of Khan family she was nothing but a stubborn and disrespectful girl whom they didn't even considered to be a family member.

"Meerab.." upon hearing a familiar voice she looked up to find Maryam standing beside the place she was sitting.

Throwing away her thoughts in a corner Meerab got up "What happened , Maryam?" She questioned adjusting her dupatta.

"Everybody is waiting for you at the dinning table.."

"Okay then , let's go"

As soon as they reached the dinning area Meerab  help but let out a mental sigh seeing everybody's faces.

Obviously , it has became her routine to find utter silence at the dinner table unlike her family in karachi where her Mama and baba correction fake mama and baba used to chit chat with her while having food.

Oh , how badly she missed those lame jokes cracked by her baba and that annoying glare passed to him by her mama.

Months passed still she couldn't forget them neither the sweet moments they shared together even after they left her to survive alone in this cage aka the not so great khan haveli.

"Meerab , you should come earlier at the dinning table... Murtasim ko tumhari wajah se zyada der bhukha rehna padta hai.." Haya stated in her sugar coated tone which almost made her cringe.

Folding her arms over her chest Meerab shot a glare at the so called to be khaani of the family.

"Mai jab aau jaise aau..Aau chahe na aau , meri Marzi.." she replied back in a don't-try-to-mess-with-me tone.

Rolling her eyes Haya shook her head negatively as she mumbled "Badtameez ladki.."

Well this tag wasn't new for Meerab cause she's been hearing it all the time either from her or Maa begum.
"Meerab , shant ho jae please.." Maryam whispered to her pleadingly.

Giving a look that clearly screamed uninterest Meerab sat down on the chair between her biological father and Maryam as everybody started to eat when Maa begum spoke up.

"Murtasim , have you selected your sherwani?" Meerab held the spoon in her hand firmly at the question her eyes lifting up to find Murtasim nodding his head positively.

"Ji , Ma.." he answered to which the later later smiled.

"Great then! I have fixed the date of marriage after a week.."she continued making Haya grin widely while Murtasim smiled genuinely. .

Meerab's heart throbbed wildly against her chest hearing everything. In a week?!
A lump formed in her throat as she fought back the tears that were ready to escape her eyes.

Later in the night she closed the door of her room falling on knees sobbing her heart out as she embraced a pillow closer to herself burying her face in it.

It was her fault all along. She loved a man knowing that they can never be together even after her logical mind tried to convenience her stubborn heart so many times. She was still dragged towards him.

Soon there were no tears in her eyes. No sign of any sorrow. Neither any pain.

Only blankness. Pure blankness. Meerab neither felt happy nor sad it was an emotion which she couldn't explain.
Maybe some stories are meant to be incomplete.

And with that her thoughts came to halt as sleep engulfed the tired soul in its arms.

"I will always love you Murtasim.." was the last thing Meerab whispered before loosing herself to a deep slumber.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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