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Ever since you could remember, ballroom dance had been the only thing to make your head feel clear.

You had always been a kid with many thoughts and who was hard to keep still or concentrated. Your head never seemed to stop swirling with thoughts and it was hard to try and concentrate with all that mess in your head.

You had tried many sports, from simple hiking to boxing , trying the most demanding sports you could think of, trying to keep your head empty. But it never worked.

The first time everthing was quiet in your head, was when you saw a man and woman doing ballroom dance in an empty studio.

Your whole body vibrated with energy seeing those two dance, even though it was 8pm and you had just come from another trial dance lesson, this time, hip hop. For all intents and purposes you should be exhausted, and you were, well, you had been.

But now your body itched to move as you saw them both spinning around the room, the clicks of their feet on the ground making the room fill with noise. And even with all that excitement and stimula, your head was completely empty, your concentration completely on the couple, no other thoughts pressing in on you like usual.

You decided that moment, this is what you were meant to do.


When Worlds Collide ( Ballet Dancer x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now