Chapter 4:Protecting the vampires?

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Lucifer grabbed the robe that he wore when he went into town before jumping out of the window and flying towards the city, hoping she was in this part of the kingdom. While with Charlie and Vaggie, she was being shown around town, having a blast seeing the colors and all the people smiling and not killing each other, and just having fun, which was refreshing to see. Alastor was observing them to see if they could give him more clues about Lucie, while Rosie was trying to feed them a lot of food since they looked really weak due to their skin looking pale compared to normal humans. Vaggie and Charlie rejected it since overeating human food can make them sick, unlike fruit which they can eat as much as they like.

Charlie continued talking with them and even shared her dream of creating an inn where everyone could be friends and not fight, although she didn't mention her desire for vampires and humans to be friends. They also shared stories about her dad and how well he got along with them, which confused her. She wondered why her dad didn't want her to know about his interactions with humans, considering that she thought he hated them. Despite her curiosity about her dad's relationship with them, especially with Alastor, she decided to ignore it and focus on having fun and chatting with Rosie. Rosie noticed that Charlie looked upset and put her hand on her shoulder.

Rosie: "What's wrong dear"

Charlie: "It's just,...never mind"

Rosie: "Well if you need someone to chat with, I am here"

Charlie: "ok, thank you, Rosie"

She sat at the side of the bar, clutching the drink, perplexed, and turned around to chat with Rosie again, only to find Vaggie approaching her.

Charlie: "vaggie, is there something wrong"

Vaggie: "Charlie, we should be returning home, especially since the red moon is soon upon us."

Charlie: "ok"

Rosie: "Wait, you're already leaving, but you'll miss the festival."

Charlie: "A festival"

Rosie: "Yes, it is being held in the middle of town, and it is about to start"

Vaggie was about to say no, only to stop when Charlie gave her puppy eyes. She sighed and said fine since it should be okay as long as they get home before the blood moon. Charlie walked over to Rosie and they decided to join them for the festival. 

They went to the middle of the town, where Charlie spotted that they were about to light a bonfire for the festival. All the lights were on and the decorations around the town made it very festive. The music began playing around the town, and Charlie pulled Vaggie to start dancing and having fun. Meanwhile, Lucifer was still looking around in different parts of the kingdom. He began feeling exhausted to the point he felt like passing out, but he kept his focus on finding his daughter.

After the dance, Vaggie noticed that it was almost time for the moon. She went to get Charlie to take her home. Charlie agreed, and as they were heading back, she couldn't help but think about revealing that they were vampires to the humans, Alastor and his team. She believed she could trust them, but she would need to talk to her dad first and check on him, as she knew he sometimes struggled to sleep. She wanted to try to help him with that.

They continued walking until they realized they were almost at their destination, where they encountered Alastor. However, they noticed that the red moon was already visible. Vaggie insisted that they leave quickly, and they hurried, only to stop when Charlie spotted an injured human. She went over to help, while Vaggie said they didn't have time for this. Charlie argued that they couldn't leave the person behind. As they debated, they saw a figure approaching. Vaggie drew her sword, only to realize it was a vampire hunter it was Vox, covered in blood. The sight made them feel hungry, to halt this, they bit their arms, attempting to keep their minds focused.

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