A New Family?

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I was returning from his nightly hunt where I successfully murdered and ate three people who were camping in the woods two miles away from my treehouse. It was by far the easiest hunt ever and I didn't even have to go into the city.

"That was delicious!" I lick my lips.

Blood was splattered all over me, from my grey hoodie and black sweatpants; to my hands and fingernails. I would have to take a bath tomorrow and wash my clothes but fortunately, I took taken some spare clothes from one of the boys. The other two were short and thin so they're clothes didn't fit but the other kid did. However, it did still look small considering how tall I was.

"Well, time to go and sleep. I wonder what I should do tomorrow hm?" I hum.

I was getting closer to my treehouse when suddenly a loud buzzing filled the forest. I gritted my teeth and fell onto my knees as I covered my ears with my bloody hands. It wasn't stopping but soon enough I felt my body fight off the heavy aura and slowly but surely I stood back up.

Quickly I ran behind a tree and took a peek at where I felt the aura coming from. Although it was pitch dark I could still see clearly courtesy of my bloodline. There was no one there from what I can see. It was clear as if the aura was coming from nowhere. Until...

"Hello there-"

I quickly burst away from the tree while launching two black rinkaku at the voice. Instead of hitting the person, however, the rinkaku smashed into the tree breaking it clean in half. I released another rinkaku to grab the upper half of the tree and pulled the rinkaku back to act as a defence mechanism.

"Who's there?" I ask cautiously. 

"That wasn't very nice was it?" I hear the voice say. This time it wasn't near me but in front of me. However, there was no one there.

"Well excuse me for not being suspicious of a random voice this deep inside a forest," I say sarcastically. 

The voice laughs from somewhere behind me. Quickly I turn around while commanding my third rinkaku to slash at the area with a wide arc. I didn't hear it hit anything or even hear someone move so I quickly got back into a defensive position.

"(Y/N) (L/N), that is your name correct?"

I freeze at the mention of my name. "How do you know that?" I scowl.

"I will tell you but please don't attack, ok?"

Hesitantly I nod and recall two of my rinkaku back and leaving the third just for safety. "I won't attack you so don't worry about my other... limb."

I hear the voice giggle which for some odd reason makes my heart beat from how girlish it is. "I have no problem with that (Y/N)."

I nod and a split second later a figure appears a few feet away from me. I stood in place with a shocked face. The person was undoubtedly a female from their feminine voice and her womanly figure. She had beautiful long raven locks that grew all the way to her midback and smooth pale white skin that seemed to glow underneath the moon.

"Oh, the moons out." The person says.

I didn't answer as I couldn't keep my gaze away from them. I could only describe the person in front of me with one word, beautiful.

"Hello (Y/N), I am Slenderwoman." 

I averted my gaze to her face which was blank. I hadn't truly noticed it but regardless it did not scare me.

"It's nice to meet you Slenderwoman-"

Slenderwoman laughs. "Just call me Slenda. The formalities are out of the way anyways."

"Slenda then." I nod. "So what were you um... doing outside my treehouse?" I ask.

"I was waiting to talk to you actually. I have a proposal if you'd like to hear it."

"What's the proposal?" 

Slenda walks closer and only then do I notice how tall she is. I was surprised. Like really surprised. I've always known I was tall for my age according to all the comments I get from people.

"Y-You're the same size as me," I say dumbly before berating myself in the head. 'Same size as me? Oh my gosh, how stupid did that just sound!'

As if Slenda could hear my thoughts she laughs. "It's my first time meeting someone the same 'size' as me."

"Same here." I nod. "Being seven foot isn't exactly common."

Slenda laughs again making my heart beat much to my confusion. 

"Alright well here is my proposal. Would you like to join me and my family at our manor?"

"Why?" I frown skeptically.

"To be part of my family of course."

I raise a brow. "And why exactly would I join your family?"

"Because you're different just like me and the rest of the people in my family." Slenda walks closer.

"So? What about it," I shrug but watch seriously as she stops in front of me.

"It means that you'll finally find a family-"

"Who the hell says I need a family?!" I growl as I take a step back.

"Shh," Slenda whispers. "I know you're hurting (Y/N). It's been hard hasn't it?" she whispers soothingly.

I frown and feel her hand land on my shoulder as her other caresses my cheek. "You've been by yourself for so long without anyone for you to rely on."

It's true. Ever since that day I was alone in this world with no family and no place to call home except for my little treehouse.

"N-No I'm not," I stutter but deep down the sound of having a family again makes me tear up.

"It's ok (Y/N), you don't need to lie. it's not embarrassing to let out the truth." Slenda wipes a tear that escapes my eye.

"J-Just go please, I-I-I'm n-not hurting." I lie.

I see two black tendrils appear from behind Slenda. I stiffened but stopped when I felt them pull me into her embrace. That's when I felt all the emotions I locked deep in my heart escape.

"Shhhh, let it all out (Y/N), it's ok," Slenda whispers soothingly into my ear as her hand combs my hair.

I cry into her shoulder and tremble. After so many years I feel weak, the strength I was always proud of disappearing into thin air.

"D-Don't leave... please, I-I was lying. I do want a family," I tell her the truth.

Slenda hugs me tighter making me feel warmth for the very first time. "I won't (Y/N), you're part of my family now."

After crying for a bit more I feel my tears stop falling. I take a step back and wipe my eyes using the back of my sleeves.

Slenda watches with a smile - a mouth appearing on her blank face - and a hand stretched out. "Shall we go now?" she asks as one of her tendrils brushes a single tear from my left eye away.

"Yeah, we can." I hold her hand and follow her as she starts to walk. She looks back giving me one more smile and then I black out.

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