Johnny: Small Kept Secret

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You and Johnny have been friends for a short while and have done everything together. During this time you have been close to catching feelings but whenever you try to tell him, another girl gets in the way. Today hopefully will be the day you do with no distractions. Right now the two of you are chilling in the lot without Ponyboy. He quickly notices that you are freezing to death. But you have not come up with a way to show him you are. Deep down you think he doesnt care.

"John, isn't it beautiful tonight?"

"Sure it is Miss Y/n" he says softly in that beautiful voice you adore so badly. "Too bad Pony is not here."

This was not what you wanted to hear at all. You laid your head on his shoulder to try and get his attention or not get him thinking something else. The two of us continued looking up at the sky with all of its gloom and crispness.

"You, have any dreams or goals?"

"Well not really. Why think about the future when you can just enjoy the moment.."

"John, I'm just trying to make conversation with you."

What on earth was going on in that head of mine? He's never seen you like this before. But I knew if I didn't tell him my true feelings it would be too late. You never know what truly will happen.

"Geese Y/n you know sometimes I don't get you."

"Well maybe I should just leave." You were about to get up when he took your hand and guided you back down to sit on the floor again by his side.

"No, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. This is nice."

Once again you couldn't tell if he was messing with your emotions or not. Sometimes he would play with you. How can a guy be so perfect for you? But barely know your existence. Without warning he started playing with a string of your hair and putting his head on your shoulder this time. As you looked at the skylight, his hand fell into yours. Fingers interlocking with one another.



"Remember the first time we met outside of school.."

"Y/n of course I do, you don't have to remind me.. You're scaring me a bit," his voice got a little higher. It was cute for a quick moment but felt pressured. I had no idea why.

"It's just ever since then I kind of felt a connection between the two of us. But I know you don't have feelings for me. If you do and I'm crazy, you just wanna obey Darry's rules about not being able to f-'' I began but suddenly got interrupted with the touch of his lips on mine.

His touch was perfect. I felt butterflies in my stomach more than I usually do. This moment this was it. At last. He was the boy and I was his girl. After this moment I knew he would be my protector and savior. Johnny Cade. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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