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When sunoo reached downstairs he saw his -family- searching for him
He made his way to Then
Oh finally this Bitch is here
Sais his mom
We were searching for you everywhere
Said his dad
Did you open your legs for someone
Said his cousin
No I didn't I was exploring the ho-
Sunoo got cut by his dad
Shut up and follow us
His -family- started walking towards an room which was at the end of the hall
They entered in
Said his dad
Oh what brings you here
Asked mr.lee
And don't call me mr.lee just call me by my name
He Continued
Umm the boy I was talking about is here
Said his mom pointing towards sunoo
It was dark so sunoo and the man both couldn't see themselves
Ah I see here you go , and after taking this get lost!
The man said while throwing them a suitcase which sunoo assumed was money
When they started walking sunoo also followed them but hus mother stopped him

Don't come near me Bitch ( mom )
Why mom
I am not your mom , you're adopted and we sold you to him for 10 billion won now go to your new master ( mom )
W-what what about my friends
Forget them ( dad )
How could you sell me
Like this " mr.lee we would like to sell something" then showed your photo and guess what he agreed and gave us money ( cousin with full sass. )
The heck
Now fucking go or I will beat The shit out of you ( mom )
Soon They left sunoo was standing their dumb founded
He looked at the back and saw a switch board
He on the light only to look at the same male he saw in the room

Changing the writing style

The male smirked at him.

Now what do we do to You omega
Asked the male
Omega *scoffs* me omega doesn't it look like you're omega
Said sunoo with sass
Making the other male scoff
He reached to sunoo and whispered
I am more like an alpha you mere omega
Whispering this he left the room
Sunoo followed him now his real personality is showing

Heeseung reached his room and was about to close the door but an hand stopped him he was using his full energy

Whereas sunoo was at ease using his power is really easy against an omega

He pushed The door making heeseung walk backward
Sunoo entered the room and locked the door
He was angry he had taken alot these years even told them he is an omega which is a lie

You ruined my life , now I can't even meet my friends because of you
You fucking slut you're just an mere omega against me against an

Against an alpha

When sunoo said the word alpha he made sure of using his alpha power
Scaring heeseung
B-but your p-
Heeseung got cut by sunoo
What my parents said that I am an omega *chuckles darkly scaring the hell out of heeseung* I lied to my parents saying I am an omega and Then you bought me wow you fell into my trap baby When I first saw you injured I fell in love with you and I got to know that you're an omega because you was unknowingly releasing your phermones
*chuckles* now be a good slut and get ready for your punishment
Sunoo said the whole story
His expression changed into a dark one when he said the last sentence
Heeseung was backing up the whole time sunoo was saying and sunoo was walking towards him

Heeseung was at the end of the room trapped between Sunoo's arm

P-please don't do t-this
Heeseung begged Sunoo
Oh you look so pretty when you beg Now I can't control my self
Saying this sunoo roughly kissed heeseung
Heeseung didn't kiss back
Sunoo bit his lips in the kiss making heeseung yelp
When Heeseung opened his mouth sunoo shoved his tongue inside
Eating .....

Wanna have a little spoiler

I-it hurts

Ah~ don't do it I am sorry

Shit baby you take
Ugh you're


Enough spoiler for you
Now you know what will happen in next chapter so brace yourself
Enjoy your day
Logging off
Words 720

sold to torture or love  [ heesun ff ] 🔞Where stories live. Discover now