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Dean had gone to work early promising to come back earlier. the crimes in the towns here is harmless robbery or kids breaking in private property just for dare. the paper work is heavy and Dean hates paper works more than anything. so used to work in busy cities that had criminal from low life thief to murders it is sudden shift that had him struggle a bit. but nonetheless he does it for you and who doesn't mind having a relaxing work place in this field. the best part is he can eat a whole pie while working there is no worry of someone calling for urgent assistance.

you on the hand fully enjoying the and embracing the new life. it's like dream come true for you. you have everything you ever wanted and it still feels like a dream. The sound of soft music playing in the house as you had arranged the two-guest room already now on to arranging the storage room. Max is just lay beside the door watching over you as per Dean request. Max would occasionally whine when you don't glance at him every few hours.

Max hair on his skin stands suddenly lifting his head he looks at the hallway intensely. his head tilted to side. his ears pick up slow footsteps standing up he walks towards you his bit on your dress demanding your attention.

"Just a minute Max." you coo at him putting the vacuum cleaner cords neatly eye still on the entangled cords.

Max snarls pulling your dress he starts pull you with him. giving upon the work you let him guide you walk toward wherever he wants. "what's is max. do you need anything?"

you step out the storage room as you do a shiver run down your spin. Max tug you to the kitchen without letting go of your dress.

once you're in the kitchen he just lay facing the door to kitchen. you open the fridge sighing when you nothing really is there. yeah, seems like you need to some grocery shopping immediately. you don't want to make dean do it. maybe you can prepare everything and buy the items you both need from the store and you two can cook together. And your baby needs more food even though max food is only thing in his box he deserves more treats.

texting dean letting him know that you're going to store you set out with max to your destination.

The store is not busy at all and cashier is sweet girl probably working for extra income smiled at you politely even swoon over max who walking around like he owns the place but politely though. pushing the cart along your isle you put everything you need in yours.

you may have spent more in the favorite part of store desserts selecting the perfect tub of ice creams and frozen dessert you at last stop. And you did not forget to pick some pie.

as if max knows where you're going, he takes the lead sniffing he sit Infront his food Isle with sparkling eyes tail wagging he softly bark at the bags of his favorite which happens to be very high. you smile at him petting his head you look around once you're satisfied there is no one you decided to put your climbing skills to test moments like this where you miss dean so much.

But you would do anything for your baby.

"You might hurt yourself, there" a deep amused voice said from behind you making startle and cling on the shelf slowly put your foot down and feeling utterly embarrassing you turn to the voice max too was curious he stands Infront of you but be was not barking like he did with the neighbor.

A tall man, emphasize on the word tall, stands Infront of you a burnet hair sharp cheekbones and jawline hazel narrowed eyes shining with smile on his lips his large hands holding a bottle of organic juice and salad box that's the only thing he was carrying.

"Sorry for starling you," he transferred his items on one hand crouching down to pet max who happily accepted the petting. " that's your favorite bubbly?".

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⏰ Last updated: 4 days ago ⏰

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