### **EIS X ARKNIGHTS Crossover: Aftermath of the Black Rose**

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"I AM—"
Shadow's voice rumbles out deeply, and the bluish-purple magic glows ever
With that, the bluish-purple light blots out the world.

When the light dies down, the world stands completely altered.
The sky is blue again, and the sun's rays are streaming down. Rose can see her
breath in the crisp, clear winter air.
Shadow stands at the very center of the world, raising his jet-black sword to
the sky.
"Are you...? Are you really...?"
Rose starts to say something, but then goes quiet.
For some reason, two piano players are starting to overlap in her mind.
There's no way. It simply isn't possible. Yet she finds herself drawn to
Shadow's each and every movement all the same.
"So, that was Master Shadow's plan for the Black Rose..."
Beta and Epsilon look up at the sky. There, they see the shattered Black Rose.
Not even it survived Shadow's mighty attack.
As they watch, it slowly crumbles to pieces. As it does, a small mass gets
sucked into it.
The mass is covered in blackened skin and red hair. It's Mordred, now
reduced to nothing more than a head.

"I give myself to the ebony vortex, and vanish into the world of darkness..."

With that, the shadowy figure dives straight into the Black Rose.
"Master Shadow?"

The Black Rose swallows Shadow whole.
The girls stare up in shock—
"I-I-I'm coming, too!"
—and Beta, tears in her eyes, dives in as well.

Not a moment later, the Black Rose disappears, gone from the world for

Everything is dead silent for a little while.
Epsilon mutters a sort of strange incantation to herself as she stares at the
sky. "...I-I'm sure Master Shadow had some grand design in mind. Of course he
did. His resourcefulness lets him see through everything. His eyes are like those
of a god. His radiant gaze burns incandescent, and his jet-black blade cleaves
the skies and parts the seas..."
"Oh no, my ring..."

For some reason, Rose's wedding ring lies shattered as well.
Rose takes that as a sign of what's become of her beloved. The blood drains
from her face.
And with that, the battle for the Oriana Kingdom comes to a close.

The beginning of Eminence in Shadow x Arknights Crossover!: chapter 2: "Aftermath of the Black Rose"

Scene 1: "The Transition"

Shadow's Perspective

Shadow feels a powerful pull as he dives into the Black Rose. The world around him blurs, then fades into darkness. He senses Beta's presence, her desperation to follow him palpable. But soon, everything goes black.

Scene 2: "Arrival in Terra"

"Chernobog, Terra"

The air is thick with tension in Chernobog. The city is eerily quiet, with an undercurrent of anxiety among its inhabitants. The streets are lined with abandoned buildings, and the sky is overcast, hinting at the impending chaos.

In an alleyway, a bluish-purple light flickers before erupting into a blinding flash. When it subsides, Shadow stands alone, his jet-black sword still glowing faintly. He surveys his surroundings, quickly realizing he's not in his world anymore.

Cid (Shadow thoughts): "Where am I? This isn't my world."

A sudden noise of chaos distracts Cid, causing him to turn and see what's happening.


"Nearby Streets"

A Reunion member shouts orders to search the houses, roughing up civilians in the process. The streets are filled with the sounds of panic and conflict.

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