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"Aisha," he said, rising from his seat and trailing after her.

"Aryan, I'm feeling sleepy. I just want to go to bed. Please, let me," she responded as she made her way into the grand mansion.

He gathered their plates and headed to the kitchen to wash them. Deciding not to disturb her, he opted to let her rest and resolved to speak with her the next day.

Aisha went to her room and closed the door behind her. Leaning against the wooden door, she couldn't hold back her sobs. She was feeling upset and didn't want to sleep because she was afraid of having nightmares. She was struggling with the situation and feeling overwhelmed. Although she felt like giving up, she knew she couldn't. She made the decision to distance herself from him because she realized that being close to him was taking a toll on her mental and physical well-being.

She covered her ears with her hands as the sound of her parents' raised voices filled the room. "You're a burden. You've brought nothing but misery into our lives. You deserve this," her mother's words were harsh and cutting. Her father's voice joined in, "Aisha, you seem to forget that you're a neglected child. You'll never find love in your life. You're cursed. You don't deserve love."

" Why can't you just die".

She started experiencing hallucinations and lost the ability to hear their voice. Distressed, she rose from her seat, approached a nearby table, and grabbed a floral vase, shattering it on the ground. Overwhelmed, she couldn't bear to listen to them anymore. Frantically, she destroyed everything on the table and let out a piercing scream of anguish.

Aryan ascended the stairs and heard a strange noise coming from Aisha's room. Concerned, he approached the door and decided to knock to make sure everything was okay. However, he then heard the sound of a vase breaking and Aisha's scream. Unable to restrain himself, he burst through the door in one swift motion.

"Aisha, stop," he screamed when he saw her heading to break another object.

"Go away!" she screamed back.

"Aisha, it's me, Aryan," he said, cautiously moving towards her.

"Stop right there," she said, gripping the vase tightly in her hands.

"Aisha," he said, edging closer to her.

"Aryan, tell them to stop yelling at me," she cried, her voice muffled as she buried her face in her hands.

In a sudden move, he wrapped his arms around her, offering comfort and solace. She clung to him, feeling the voices slowly fade into the background until she eventually drifted off to sleep in his embrace. He found himself unwilling to let go, curious about who she had mistaken him for and who she was seeking protection from.

" Aisha ". He called her to make sure whether she was fine. he found her sleeping soundly in his arms. He smiled at her and made her lay

"Aisha." He gently whispered her name, reaching out to ensure she was okay. He found her peacefully asleep in his embrace. With a tender smile, he carefully laid her down on the bed and settled into a chair beside her, quietly taking in the sight of her tranquil form.

His mind was engulfed by a multitude of questions as he wrestled with the overwhelming desire to kill the individual responsible for the condition of the person he deeply cared about. Confusion and shame consumed him as he grappled to comprehend the circumstances that had befallen her, feeling an immense sense of responsibility and regret for not being able to shield her from harm.

As he drifted into slumber, he lost track of the passing time. A sudden disturbance jolted him awake, and he found himself disoriented in the dimly lit room. Struggling to focus, he gradually opened his eyes and strained to discern the source of the disturbance. To his surprise, he made out the faint silhouette of a delicate figure in the room.

He called out to Aisha, but she didn't respond. Slowly, she made her way to the bathroom. He tried to help her, but she shut the door in his face.

 He tried to help her, but she shut the door in his face

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