Martial Arts

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Chapter 6

With Greg's hands guiding my waist to the beat, my hands tangled in his curls and the steamy eye contact we both share, I can tell there was a lot of sexual tension going on here. Staring through those brown eyes, we were (yet again) trapped in our little bubble. It sounds so cliched, but it felt like we were the only two people on this lawn, dancing to this one song and just be us.

But, of course, our bubble didn't last long. A commotion was happening near the center of the crowd.

"-are fighting, right now! Let's go! Let's get it over with!" Lenny's voice drifted through the crowd as it began to make a wide open space almost like an arena of some sorts.

"Uh oh." Greg mutters.

"Lenny, what's going on? I'm calling the police!" Roxanne's panicked voice from the other side screamed.

"We're already here!" Officer Dante waddled in.

"Hold my hair, woman!" Mr. Cavanaugh ordered while flinging his wig to his wife.

"You ready for this?" Mr. Cavanaugh asked, holding up in his fight stance.

"I don't know if I'm ready for this, but I'm gonna do this because I have to show my son what's right." Lenny and Keithie shared a brief glance at each other.

Oh no...

Mr. Cavanaugh and Lenny began circling each other, like the ones in boxing, they were sharing a few words with each other that I couldn't hear over the crowd.

"My dad is gonna die, isn't he?" Greg mumbled. I jabbed my elbow to his side and he cringed.

"Sucker punch him, Feder!" Officer Dante encouraged. What the hell, isn't he a cop?

"Lick his biceps, lick it, bite it, lick the tan off!" My uncle hopped at the other side of the crowd.

"Seriously, babe, but I think your uncle is gay."

"You wouldn't be saying that if you stayed with him for a whole summer with very thin walls." Greg looked disgusted as I laughed.

"Let's get busy, Hollywood!" Mr. Cavanaugh taunted as the crowd got excited.

Lenny raised his fist, but what I couldn't believe is that Mr. Cavanaugh cringed and stumbled back.

"No, please don't hit me! I'm sorry please! You would tear me limb from limb. Open this. The only reason I picked on you because I was afraid of you. Please, please.."

Wait. what just happened?

The crowd seemed to be thinking the same thing as they all whispered around us.

"Cavanaugh is crying!" Officer Dante laughed and the others laughed with him.

Lenny raised his fist and finger and Mr. Cavanaugh flinches everytime.

"Okay, get up. Straighten up. I'm not gonna hit you." Lenny says. "But if you EVER disrespect me or anybody, I will hunt you down and I will slap you into a pile of tattoos, bad breath and back zits. Do you understand me?"

Mr. Cavanaugh replied, but Lenny wasn't satisfied.

"Do you understand me?" Lenny yelled into his face.

"Yes, I understand you!" Mr. Cavanaugh yelled back.

"Then walk away before I change my mind." Lenny turned back to the crowd as they all cheer. I on the other hand was not fooled by their little act, but I still congratulated Lenny anyway.

And the party was back on...

Whooping noises started to get louder. It was those college people again, along with the ones who tried to flirt with me from their car.

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