6.𝑩𝒖𝒓𝒏 𝒊𝒏 𝒉𝒆𝒍𝒍

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I smashed my right hand against the mirror without any hesitation. The glass shattered into pieces, and the shards cut my hand open.

I turned back, but he disappeared again. He just likes to play a game with me. Scare me when I'm the most vulnerable.

Then I felt the burning pain on my knuckles. Blood spread all over my hand. I cursed in pain and stumbled back, my hand bleeding profusely. I could barely move my hand.

"You fucking psycho! Burn in hell!" I yelled.

I opened the cabinet under the sink and looked for anything close to a bandage. Since I used it for the man's leg, there was nothing left for my knuckles.

I swung the door and sprinted into my room, where I had an old piece of T-shirt set on the table. I grabbed it and pressed it against my bleeding hand.

"Did something happen?" Grandma showed up on the threshold.

"I'm so sorry." I looked away from her.

She checked the bathroom quickly and returned to my room. She grabbed my hand gently and revealed what was underneath the fabric.

"We should go to the hospital." She declared.

"No! Absolutely not. You have work tomorrow, and so do I. Let's just go back to sleep." Visiting the hospital this late at night wasn't an option, and I honestly didn't see the point of it. Yes, I was scratched a bit here and there; however, it wasn't anything serious.

Grandma somehow let me convince her to stay home and just wrap it with some other clean piece of clothing since I had nothing else to use.

I could see how upset she was. She was dealing with many things, and I was another burden to carry.

I recalled the thing she said to him: "She's been through so much, and I feel like I failed her in some ways that I couldn't replace her mother as I wished I could."

Does she really think she failed to care for me? That she isn't a good enough replacement for my mother's place?

No one can replace her, but Grandma is doing everything in her power to be my mother's replacement. Even though I might not show it, I love her so much. She's the only one left for me. My only family. If something were to happen to her, I would never forgive myself.

If he does something to her, I will kill him and tear that ugly ass cloak from his body. No matter what he was.

• • •

As I expected, the next day at work, I was like a ghost. Conversations about Joseph's funeral weren't helping me in my dreadful mood. I still wonder what happened to him.

The afternoon was pretty calm, with heavy rain. The rain has continued since this morning, which isn't good for our business. I nearly slept through my six alarms. Who wants to go to work in such a calamity outside?

Only one person could bring me into a better mood. Madeline. But she was nowhere to be found.

She usually comes drinking later in the evening as a normal person and not as one of those old gramps who needs a strong shot right before lunch.

I had some time off and sat on the rock-hard chair. I searched for a lighter that I found next to a set of pens and pencils. I grabbed a pack of cigarettes and lit one. I'm not a big smoker; however, when I get anxious, I have to have nicotine in my lungs.

"Slacking off?" Madeline's voice alarmed me as she leaned her forearms against the edge of the counter.

I immediately jumped on my feet, blowing out smoke.

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