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A/N Hello all. Welcome to my new TaeJin FF. This story will be fantastical, Fanciful, imaginative(I hope) and preposterous all at the same time.  If I can bring to the page what is in my mind then this will be quite a journey. So please, walk with me through my imagination, with an open mind and open heart. This story has little to no angst. So please be prepared for some dirty, fluffy, happy, Taejin, Sope, and MinMoni.  (Sorry Jungkookie 😉🥰 I still love you)

The town in this book is purely fiction, I am sure there is probably a town out there with the same name somewhere but its not the town in my book. It is not in Korea, it is not in the U.S. it isn't anywhere really. 

This book is a work of Fiction, I do not own any photos/Videos used, and I do not own any of the names used here in.

This book may have Sex, Blood, Death, Foul Language, and other mature content, I am still a new writer so sometimes my smut is REALLY SMUTTY and sometimes my smut is kinda lame, but I am getting better 😆😉. It may also contain Love, Fluff, and Humor, if you can't handle any of the warnings above, then don't read.

My Stories are BoyXBoy, sometimes I will have BoyxGirl.

I am not a huge fan of deep Angst, rarely in my stories will you see abuse, sexual assault/rape, but it could happen if the story allows, I may have some mental abuse and infidelity.

I do write MPREG

I will try to remember to put 🔞🚫 on Chapters or paragraph's were I think you should be warned.

If any of my stories resemble others, its purely coincidental, if you feel I have plagiarized please bring it to my attention and we will figure it out together.

Please don't copy my stories, I'm sure there are people who will try or have already, but I have to at least hope that if I ask, then I can trust.

I am a Jinkooker, with a love for Taejin, so my stories are 95% about them, I do try to include other ships

I write for fun, I write because it lets my imagination run wild, I write because it takes me to places I may never go. Writing shouldn't be stressful or painful, Writing shouldn't be a burden or interfere with your real life, Writing opens up a whole new world allowing people in to explore and enjoy the things you enjoy. I love you guys, you are such a great support system and all your comments and votes keep me coming back to you. 💜💜💜💜🐰🐹🐻

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