AUTHOR'S NOTE (Will delete when chapter 2 is out)

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Hello everyone, Emmett here. I wanted to just say that I haven't forgotten about this book, I have further chapters planned out/half written and they will eventually come out. But I have been busy with everything and other bits and pieces. I have plans to get chapter 2 out in a few days. I'll add a teaser below.

-Off topic. But would anyone like a Total Drama one shots book? If enough people say yes, I'll make it. I have a Malejandro book planned. Yes I ship Malejandro and Zoke. Shush. I can do Disventure Camp as well, but in a different book-

I slowly opened my eyes the next morning and felt something warm wrapped around me. And I remembered what it was. I remembered who it was. My boyfriend. My handsome, loving boyfriend. Justin Batofel. He made me feel so comforted. So cared for. So loved. So… wanted. Looking back on everything I’ve done has made me realise something. I was going on the right path. I had relationships. I got out of relationships. I’ve met people. I’ve fallen out with people. I’ve made bonds that have lasted me a lifetime. And I’m incredibly grateful for them.

Until next time

Bye Bye :)

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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