3's A Crowd

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Albert unlocks the hotel room door and walks in, Kerry and Julius following him in. They look around, admiring the clean and sleek look of the interior. The room looks to be separated into sections, since they can't see the beds as they enter. There's a comfy-looking couch with mid-century decor around, a stylish coffee table, and a TV mounted on the wall in the first area. There's a small makeshift kitchen set up closer to the door. It has a small counter, a refrigerator, a microwave, and a cheap-looking oven containing pots and pans. They take off their shoes at  the door and each goes off to explore. Kerry goes and begins to explore the section to their left, as Julius goes to the right and Albert goes to investigate the salon. However, Kerry lets out a shriek upon entering the left-hand room.

"There's only one bed!"

Albert and Julius turn their heads, both with a flabbergasted expression. They run from their sections to where Kerry is standing, and cover their mouths in horror as they realize. She wasn't lying; there's a lone California King at the center of the room, with white trim that hides the bedframe legs, a thick and fluffy blue duvet, many pillows, and a silver-coated frame. Albert opens his phone and checks the booking. "Oh, damn it! I accidentally booked a lovers' suite." Julius sighs with exasperation. "I'll call room service, I suppose." He goes to the salon and sits on the couch, crossing his legs, and picks up the handle of the hotel phone. He dials the front desk, and speaks to an employee. Albert and Kerry simply stand and watch, their luggage in tow. After a few moments, Julius shakes his head and thanks the person on the other end of the line before hanging up. "He said that all the other rooms are totally booked," he says sadly. "I don't know what I expected. This is a five-star resort, and it's the beginning of summertime." They all look at each other without much to say. "Well, maybe I can sleep on the couch," suggests the generous Kerry, but the men shake their heads. "It's a small couch, and you can't possibly sleep there for the full week. Besides, my moral code as a gentleman won't allow it," Albert replies, adjusting his collar with dignity. "I agree," says Julius. "Perhaps we'll just have to make do." The three of them nod in understanding.

"Well, I'm going to unpack and have a bath." Kerry goes over to her luggage. "I need one after all of that traveling. I didn't know it could get so hot in Ipanema." 

Albert and Julius nod at her. "Go ahead," says Albert. he sinks into the white couch and turns on the TV, skipping through a few of the local Brazilian channels before getting to an American one. "Oh, I didn't know they had Brooklyn 99 here!" He sets the remote down hastily and begins to watch, and Julius  sits next to him. Kerry sets her clothes up and grabs her toiletries as she crosses the room past them to the bathroom. "Nobody come in, okay?" She requests shyly. The men nod.

After a while of watching the TV, Julius falls asleep. Albert nearly does, but he wakes up. 'I really need to take a piss,' he thinks. He mindlessly gets up and walks to the bathroom, opening the door. Behind the foggy glass pane that separates the shower from the rest of the bathroom, Kerry stands in shock. "Hey! You said you wouldn't come in!" She turns away from Albert's view, blushing profusely. Albert, stopped in his tracks, gasps and covers his eyes. "Sorry! I didn't remember!" 

Julius, still on the couch, wakes up from all the shouting. He stumbles into the bathroom and rubs his eyes. "What's happened?" Kerry screams again as the hot steam in the bathroom escapes right out the door, and the fog on the shower door begins to condense. The men turn away from her, surprised and embarrassed to have seen her in such an intimate manner. Julius exits silently, and Albert follows. Kerry, left alone in the bathroom, can't help but feel violated, ashamed, excited...? No, it's wrong of her to feel such a way! She's had crushes on the both of them for a while, but she knows that as a good Catholic woman, she must make a choice... Or does she? She sighs, and shuts the water off as she begins to dry her petite body. Little does the lovely Kerry know, Julius and Albert are watching her from the crack in the bathroom door.

With the two men, they stand outside of the bathroom watching Kerry' body sexually contort with every movement. The sight is almost too erotic to bear. "Good God," mutters Albert. "I'd like me a piece of that," replies the typically stoic Julius, his phrasing surprising Albert. "I didn't think you were into... well, people," he chuckles softly. Julius looks so dominant watching her, it almost makes Albert wish that he would ogle at him the same way. Julius glances at Albert, admiring his almost feminine, yet strong and lustful aura. Their lechery, it seems, knows no bounds as they begin to kiss a little. It at first began as an act of irony, but then it evolves into desire and enjoyment. However, they hear Kerry approach the door and rush to go sit down on the couch. They avoid eye contact with her, who's now in a dainty red nightslip. She walks to the bedroom and lays back, reading a book with her legs kicked up. Julius, being allergic to washing, simply changes into a long robe which makes him look like Gargamel. Albert goes and takes a quick shower, and attends to Kerry in the room. 

"Sorry about earlier," he says earnestly. "It's a-alright," she replies with a light blush on her face. They sit there for a moment, soaking up each other's words. Then, they begin to kiss, much to the shock of Julius, who's feeling left out by the both of them. He sits on the end of the bed, upset that both Kerry and Albert are denying him. After a light makeout session, the three agree to sleep. Julius gets up and turns out the light, before crawling onto the edge of the bed, Albert next to him. A little bit in, he turns over, hoping to be offered a kiss, but finds instead that Kerry and Albert are already kissing. He turns away, but he feels a hand grope his plush and flabby ass. It's Albert. He turns back, blushing, and Albert smiles at him. "Kerry wants you here as well."

Julius sits up and looks to Kerry. Her nightslip is barely hanging on, and her face looks hot and bothered. He gets up and goes to the other side of her, putting her in the middle. She blushes. The three of them strip down to just their underwear. Albert has Minecraft creeper boxers on, Julius has a diaper, and Kerry has a lacey red thong which flosses between her asscheeks. The both of them begin to touch up on her, making Kerry moan. This soon evolves into much more erotic activity, as Julius unpacks a massive strap to make up for his lack of genitals. Kerry twiddles Albert's asshole hairs while giggling. Soon, Julius is slipping the massive black dildo into her tight asshole and Kerry is slurping Albert's wee willy like a lollipop.  They're running a train on her.

Just then, Miguel walks in, a friend staying in the next room over. He had gotten a copy of their keys just in case, and the screaming from earlier concerned him too much for him not to check. He stands there frozen in shock. The trio look at him, wide-eyed and shocked. He simply walks out. "Huh, I guess we can keep going then!" Kerry laughs. The men laugh with her and they continue their lascivious activities.

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