The Main Story!

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Golden Age Of Piracy! Common designation for this period takes place between the 1650s and the 1730s, when maritime piracy was a significant factor in the histories of the North Atlantic and Indian Oceans. This story will take place in 1700, the end of Pirate Round, c (1693-1700)! In this universe, three separate holes opened up across the world! Three different creatures were spawned from these mysterious holes! But will they meet together?? We jump into action with the story!

-Indian Ocean- We see a pirate ship, parts of it covered in flames! There was another ship nearby. A Navy ship! They fired their cannonballs at the pirate ship as it made contact! [Navy Captain] "Soon, we'll sink that damn pirate ship!" [Navy Soldier] "Captain!" He shouted for the Navy Captain as they looked where the Navy Soldier was pointing! [Navy Captain] " god." We cut back to the pirate ship as the crewmates were trying to put out the fires. They managed to get most of them. [Pirate Captain] "Status report!" [Pirate 1] "Yes Captain Claw! We managed to get most of the fire, caused by the Royal Navy's cannon fire." [Captain Claw] "And where is this Navy ship? Yarrr." [Pirate 1] "Well it's over-" He paused because he didn't see it.. [Pirate 1] "Give me that!" [Pirate 2] "Hey!" He grabbed a telescope and looked around! No where! [Pirate 1] "Captain! The Navy ship is gone!!" It's true! The Navy ship disappears! It was nowhere to be found! The pirates looked around as they were looking for the disappearance of this Navy ship. However, what they didn't check was underneath the ship. A big shadow was rising to the ocean's surface and below the pirate's ship! With a large splash, a serpent-like body slithered out of the Indian Ocean! The pirates were freaking out, calling it a Sea Serpent but it was far worse than that! When Captain Claw looked up, he noticed a huge head with sharp teeth and haunting eyes. The creature roared as it lunged down for a tasty snack!

Golden Age Of Piracy: Kaiju Invasion!

-1700: Maluku Islands- We zoom to the Maluku Islands! Where we'll meet our main character! On one of the many islands of Maluku, lies a secret pirate base! This secret Pirate base is the home base of the fearful Captain Medusa! She was the most fearless female pirate captain to ever exist! Her pirate crew were called the Serpent Pirates! We zoom in as we see pirates cheering. Like they were celebrating as they remained in hiding. [Pirate 1] "Captain! You always know how to throw a party!" [Medusa] "Of course I do, you buffoon! I'm the best pirate there is!" [All Serpent Pirates] "AR!" They cheer in response as Captain Medusa chuckles and takes a few gulps of her drink. Her full name was Eulalia 'Medusa' Smithe. People view her as the devil's child since she was born with three moles on her left ear. The devil's luck! [Pirate 2] "Captain! Where do you think Captain Claw is??" [Medusa] "-sighes- Probably chicked out! He wasn't a real pirate anyways!" Most of the pirates laughed in response, clashing their drinks together.

-Indian Ocean- We cut back to the Indian Ocean as a Royal Navy ship was passing by, looking down at the wreckage below. Pieces from the other Royal Navy ship and Captain Claw's ship were floating above the ocean surface, aimlessly. [Navy Soldier 1] "What happened here?" [Navy Captain] "I have no clue. Did they have another horrible battle?" [Navy Soldier 2] "This has been happening a lot lately right?" When the Navy Captain turned away, one of the Navy soldiers spotted a weird shaped green tail, sinking. [Navy Soldier 2] "Captain! I spotted something!" The Navy Captain came back to see what he missed. There was nothing but wreckage for now. [Navy Captain] "I see nothing. Goodness gracious." When the Navy captain put his telescope down, a weird looking starfish jumped towards him! It attached to his face as he tried to get it off! [Navy Soldiers 1 & 2] "Captain??" They freaked out! What the hell is this starfish?? It had these disgusting bumps on it, it looked mutated! There was steam coming from the Navy Captain's face. His face was burning off! He fell to the ground as he withered in pain, letting out his screams. Everyone on the ship was alerted now but that didn't matter! More of these disgusting starfishes soon attached themselves to the Navy ship, burning pieces off! The Navy Soldiers were shooting at these creatures. It was working but there were too many of them! Soon, a giant claw bursted out of the Indian ocean's surface, grabbing onto the ship as the creature roared. [Navy Soldier 1] "Oh fuck! What the hell is that?!" The Navy Soldier spoke his last words as this Royal Navy ship also collapsed into pieces.

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