A single Word from you makes me fly to the sky.
A Single Word from you drops me down.
You have the Control of me and my Soul.
But i know, it shouldn't be Like that.You make me happy.
You make me easy.
And yet there is a Maybe.A Single Word from you can Save me.
A Single Word from you can destroy me.
You are my World that i don't want to lose.
When i Look to the sky.You make me happy.
You make me easy.
And yet there is a Maybe.Don't let me Go,
because it hurts.
To See your Beck,
When you leave me alone.
Short StoryWillkommen in der Welt der Musik. Liest kleine Kurzgeschichten und lasst euch inspirieren von denn Songtexten. Geschrieben von Isa, Lady Black und Unknown