Mother Intuition

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As much as I hate the woman in red, I had to admit, she could fly a chopper very well. After the men left me with her, she pointed a gun at my face and forced me to get into a helicopter parked on the roof. And now she was flying us to God knows where.

Ada sat comfortably in the pilot's seat, surrounded by a bunch of buttons, levers, and screens. Her hands moved with ease over the controls, her eyes flicking between the different dials and gauges. With the headset on, she looked totally in control, ready to handle whatever came next as she expertly guided the helicopter. And so far, the ride had been smooth.

Meanwhile, I sat uselessly in the co-pilot seat, my hands bound in front of me, making it difficult to adjust the uncomfortable headset over my ears. I didn't want to risk bursting an eardrum on top of being kidnapped. Squeezing my knees together, I tried not to wiggle too much. Fifteen minutes into the flight, I finally gave up. "I need to pee."

"Hold it in," she replied without looking at me.

"You've never hung out with a pregnant woman, have you?" She glanced over, her eyes narrowing. "We pee a lot, and we're not exactly known for our ability to 'hold it in'."

"Well, too bad for you, there's no toilet here."

"What about a bottle?"

Her nose scrunched up in disgust. "Seriously? You want to pee in a bottle?"

"Or I can always pee my pants, and all over this seat," I reclined onto the seat dramatically. "Wow, this feels nice, what is it, leather?"

"Fine." Ada sighed, reaching into a storage compartment above her head. She retrieved an almost empty cola bottle and tossed it onto my lap. "Go do your business in the back. There's garbage bag near the door."

I struggled to unbuckle my seatbelt with my bound hands. "Can you at least untie me?"

Ada's lips curled into a smirk. "If you can aim into a bottle, I'm sure you can work out how to do it with your hands tied."

"Oh, I will," I shot back before making my way to the back of the chopper and taking care of my business. Contrary to what Ada thought, I wasn't a wild animal. I would love to do this in a toilet like a proper lady, but desperate times called for desperate measures. Plus it was more dangerous to hold it in.

I plopped back onto my seat once I was done, struggling again for a few minutes with my seatbelt. Suddenly, a sharp movement jolted through my abdomen, making me gasp. It wasn't like the gentle fluttering I felt before. This was different. It felt erratic, almost violent. As if the baby was thrashing around. Despite the intensity, I couldn't help but feel a mixture of awe and wonder at the sensation.

"What's wrong?" Ada asked

"Just felt the baby move." I answered, gently caressing my belly. Somehow it seemed to calm the baby, and the movement subsided. Which only left me with another feeling. "I'm hungry."

"Dear God," Ada grumbled, looking very annoyed. "It's always something with you."

"You don't want to deal with me, then don't kidnap me."

"I don't have any food here." She said coldly. "Hold on until we arrive."

"And when exactly is that?"

"Two hours if the weather's good."

I huffed. "I can't hold on that long. And I already miss my midnight snack and early breakfast thanks to your friends kidnapping me."

"How many times do I need to feed you exactly?"

"A lot. And I warn you, I can be extremely cranky if I don't get fed really soon."

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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