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My eyes shoot open as a gasp escapes my lips. I flinched when I felt my head pounding, it felt as if it was gonna split the moment I moved. 

I slowly sat up rubbing the temple of my forehead to somewhat ease the pain, my eyes shifted looking around the area to try and locate where I was. 

I was in a forest, I frowned. Just how did I end up here? Maybe I was lucid dreaming, so I should try waking up. 

I closed my eyes and waited a few seconds before reopening them, I was still in the forest. I tried to recall any remaining memories I had before waking up, but I could only remember my first and last name. 

I looked down to check out my attire. I was wearing a black strapped shirt, gray sweatpants, and an unzipped jacket. 

I noticed a small purse next to me, I'm guessing that it belonged to me since there weren't any other signs of life except me and the creature watching me. 


Watching me?? 

I felt eyes on me, making me shiver at the thought of something or someone watching me. I need to get out of here quickly. 

I immediately snatched my purse and stood up, there's no way I'm going to just sit there and let some creature or freak watch me. 

I avoided going to the left as I felt that whatever is here with me was over there leaving an eerie feeling in the air. 

I instead went right, my speed slowly starts to speed up as I begin to pick up sounds of leaves crunching under something weight that wasn't mine. 

My heart was racing as if it was running for a marathon, pounding as if it was trying to free itself from horrifying fate that might befall on me. 

Just how did I get here?

My eyes widened when I felt something tackle me from behind and pin me to the ground, before I could even comprehend what had happened my purse was ripped out of my hold. 

Whatever was pinning me down was now sitting in front of me with my purse hanging in its mouth.

It was a fox. 

A fox.. 

I was running from a damn fox?! 

My face grew warm from embarrassment, but I sighed in relief that it was just a fox and nothing more. 

“Hey..There.. “ I tried to speak but my throat burned, it felt like I was a mute speaking for the first time in my life. 

I slowly but steadily reach my hand out towards the fox to retrieve my stolen bag, but the sky fox jerked back and started booking it. 

What the fuck?

I stayed there dumbfounded before running after the creature, what if I have my ID and phone in there? I wasn't able to check before because I was more concerned about being watched. 

After a long ‘game’ of cat and mouse, I grabbed the fox by the tail and held it up in the air, its ears went down as it looked up at me, it reminded me of a kid being caught doing something bad. 

“Gimme” I put my hand out doing a grabby motion as the fox sadly gives the bag up in defeat, once I snag my purse back I wrapped it around my shoulder before turning my attention back onto the fox. 

“Dumb fox..” I mumbled placing it down onto the ground, I expected it to run away but it stayed put next to me sulking. 

“What's wrong with you?.. “

I poked it with my foot. 

That's not important right now, I remind myself digging into my bag. I shift stuff around before finding my phone, I check to see if there's any battery left. 

Fortunately it was at 25%, at first I was worried about the now forgotten pass code but I felt my hand move on its, muscle memory is truly amazing.

The first thing I did was go to the map app, so that way I could find a way out of here. 

Once I got a good look at what direction to start walking towards, I started moving. 

I was a bit conflicted when the fox that was just sulking immediately props up on its legs and starts to follow me. 

Maybe the company won't be so bad.. 

“It says we're close to some big building..” I tilted my head to the side. “Kruu” the fox that was now lying peacefully in my arms cooed, by time that we'd get there it'd be dark. 

Since we've (mostly me) been walking for so long I thought we could take a small break before reaching the building. 

“Let's rest, “ I spoke to the small creature. I sat down leaning against a tree and crossing my legs. The small fox prop it's down onto my lap playing with the strap of my purse. 

“I hope we'll find some help, 

“What the fuck?..” I gasped, after me and the little fox woke up we started making our way to the closest building which was supposed to be an abandoned looking building, but instead we were face to face with pure blackness surrounding the area and the building. 

I stared in disbelief, what the hell is going on? Where's the building? What's this black stuff blocking the way? 

I groan sitting down with my back facing the black wall, “I guess we're sleeping outside tonight..” I leaned back expecting the black wall to support me but I fell right through it. 

“EH?” I yelped hitting the ground before I could comprehend what had happened, I pushed myself up looking at the wall where half of my body is sticking out of. 

“Hey! Who are you?!”

I looked up to see a well dressed man with glasses (I forgot if he has glasses or not) and black hair, there were two kids next to him and another emerging from the building. 

Before I knew it one of the kids with markings all over his body, swung at me blasting my head into the wall. For a moment everything went black.

"This is the temporary preview into the story "Death Is Flowers", it might change before I officially start working on the story!! I came up with this idea while I was listening to music so I hope you enjoy and give some feedback about how you feel!"

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"This is the temporary preview into the story "Death Is Flowers", it might change before I officially start working on the story!! I came up with this idea while I was listening to music so I hope you enjoy and give some feedback about how you feel!"

- ManBuns 🩶

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