Vi€tor¥a Kilgore

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Legends in Making


Full Name: Vi€tor¥a Kilgore

Nickname (if applicable): Tori

Basic Information:

Age: 13 or 14

Gender: Female

Role in the Family: Elder sibling, protector of her brother Vin€ent


Traits: Adventurous, ambitious, aggressive, motherly, caring, cold-blooded, and bloodthirsty when angered

Strengths: Resourceful, strategic thinker, excellent combat skills, empathetic, fiercely loyal

Weaknesses: Can become overly aggressive when angered, her brother being hurt


Physical Description: Black hair that glistens silver in the light, black eyes, Filipino features. In her Culumbra form, she had tattered wings and eyes resembling bloody pools surrounded by darkness

Style: Hair worn in a side part, long (down to her waist), often wears her hair in a bun or secured with a hairclip, usually is seen turtlenecks, ripped jeans, and flannel shirts of any color


Family Members:

- Younger brother: Vin€ent Kilgore, Connor Jackson and Angelo Riordan (soon-to-be adoptive parents)

Friends/Close Relationships: Her close friends


Short-term Goals: To protect her brother and escape from the Superior Order's clutches

Long-term Goals: To create a safer environment for her brother and others who have suffered, and to prevent others from experiencing similar traumas


Backstory: Vi€tor¥a witnessed the massacre of her tribe at the age of 6, with only she and her newborn brother, Vin€ent, spared. They were taken in by the Superior Order and used as weapons. Her brother later contracted cancer at the age of 3. At 9, Vi€tor¥a, Vin€ent, and Connor Jackson (The Nyx Terror) escaped the Superior Order and sought refuge in Oakland, California.

Trauma: Vi€tor¥a and her brother were subjected to torture and experimentation by the Superior Order. Vi€tor¥a's trauma includes witnessing her tribe's massacre and the subsequent abuse and manipulation by HYDRA. Her brother's battle with cancer and their ongoing fight for survival add to her emotional burden.

Additional Information:

Hobbies/Interests: Training in combat, strategizing, and spending time with her brother and friends

Quirks: Has a habit of analyzing situations and people intensely, often lost in thought about potential tactics and plans


- Vi€tor¥a hails from a demonic tribe known as the Culumbras, said to be the assassins and right-hands of Lucifer and the Deadly Sins

- To transform into her Culumbra form, she must shout her handler's name, typically "Satanas" or "Lucifer"

- She has the ability to manipulate her razor-sharp wing feathers and has toxic blood

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