thought daughter

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Truly, I cared,

Cruelty we shared

I paired our woes -

I hoped one of us growed

Simple yet true,

Just me and you

Trust in what I said,

"For one day - I will lay

Everything passed away."

An outcast, that didn't last.

For she was surpassed.

Yet her love did everlast.

Above all she understood -

Hand in Hand,

now it's time you withstand.

Experience that stood.

I hoped that you would,

Of what I should.

For she is, I am her.

Could you have believed?

Oh, how my heart did weep.

Now I lay silent; without a peep.

For it is what dawn kept..

A follower, known sheep.

I leapt for faith,

Known for such disgrace.

Which led to this place.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05 ⏰

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