Day #1

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*Buzz buzzz* I ignore my phone buzzing and roll over *Buzz buzz* I cover my head with my blanket, the buzzing stops. *Buzz Buzz* Oh my god again I just wanna sleep. *Buzz Buzz* I sigh and grab my phone "Hi effy what's up?". "It's 5:30 A.M y/n school starts at 6. I'm having my dad drive and pick you up and see you at like 15" She hangs up. 15 MINUTES TO GET READY. I RUSH out of bed and go to my closet, thank god I had picked out my outfit the day before. I lay it out on my bed taking a quick 10 minute shower. I throw on my clothes and rush my makeup on. Messy but still cute. *HONK HONK* I hear outside my window. Effs here, I grab my bag and phone and hurry out of my house. "Shit sorry I woke up late" I say as I get into her car. She just stares at me and takes a drag from her cigarette. Whatever. "HURRY UP OR I'M LATE TO WORK" her dad yells at me. He can't do that right? He's not MY dad. Anyway, I buckle up and he kinda speeds off. We are almost at Roundview and then BAM, her dad runs someone's bike over. He gets out yelling and me and eff notice some cute boys sitting down, they're staring at us. I get out "Is everything okay? We're gonna be late Mr.stonem". "NO EVERYTHINGS NOT OKAY I-" he gets cut off by a boy in a red jumper. "Ah fuck mate what the fuck my bike." Shit he has blood all over his face. "THAT'S YOUR BLOODY BIKE" him and Mr.Stonem start going back and forth about the bike incident. Eff walks over to the boy and licks the blood from his face off her finger, it's not actually blood after all he used a ketchup bottle for it. He reeks of spliff and alcohol. I wave to the other two boys, one catches my eye specifically his cute fluffy hair, pretty smile. I hope he's going to roundview too.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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