That Night And Morning (Amy Rose)

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7/3/15 -7/4/15

Dear Diary,

Sonics staying the night today. I had a break down and he feels like he has to be with me now. I don't really think he needs to stay...but he's insisting.

I'm getting in my PJ's now. I've told him he can sleep anywhere he wishes. I think he's planning on taking the couch, even though it'd be nice for him to sleep with me. You know, just to keep me warmer...

I hear him walking down the hallway...I'll write back in a second...

(I've decided to make this part Amy's 1st POV for the stories sake. And for the SonAmy moment I had planned)

•Amy POV•

"Hey Ames..." Sonic said as he walked into my room. He was nervous and was scratching the back of his neck. "I-I think I'd like to sleep with you. You case you need anything..."

My face turned a bright red as I nodded at him and hopped into my bed. "You wanna sleep now?" He asked me. "We don't have to...I have TV in here."

"I-I was thinking more like...just talking...we need to talk stuff out, so this doesn't happen again." He explained to me.

I smiled and nodded as I sat on my bed. Sonic smiled as his tail wagged happily. He jumped on my bed and sat crossed legged in front of me. "You know I've always wanted to just sit and talk with you." He blushed. I blushed as well.

"Me too..."

(Ok, back to normal now)

We sat and talked for hours! Sonic and I just talked for ages! We couldn't stop talking it seemed like. I really love him...

He makes me feel so happy and loved. Not like the other guys I've dated. I don't think Sonic even knows all the other guys. I must've dated about...7 guys in my lifetime so far.

One of them...and this would kill Sonic...being Shadow.

It was back when I was 14 and they both were 17. We dated for only about two weeks. He started treating me badly. Cussing me out, a few times he almost slapped me, so we broke it off.

Shadow has straightened up a lot over the years now. I'm glad he's found someone new. To be honest, we probably could've worked. But I've always liked Sonic. Even when I dated him, I liked Sonic more. We had kept it a secret, btw.

Alright, I'm heading to bed.





I just woke up and Sonic is literally wrapped around me. I don't know why he wouldn't get under the covers, he's freezing! After I finish this, I'm going to go put my blankets over him. Then I'll work on some breakfast for us. He'll enjoy that.

Oh! I should go out and get him something special for being so sweet to me! I'll just say I need some personal time or something.

Amy Rose~

SonAmy Boom: Amy's Notebook/ Sonic's JournalWhere stories live. Discover now