Chapter (1): A New Path

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"When one chapter closes; another will open." Remembering my Philosophy Professor's wise words each time we got started on a new unit. I guess he was right in some way. My little adventure as Gary Walter may be over and his future is now changed, hopefully for the better thanks to me. But I can't help but feel like a small part of me is gone and is quite sad to see him go. It sucks, I'm not denying it but I gotta remind myself of the promise I made to the mysterious green fog — for as long as it needs me, there are countless other people like Gary who have existed throughout time and need help in finding their own happy ending. I'm not thrilled about it in the slightest. There is a good chance I could be stuck in the MIDDLE AGES, or heaven forbid, be in another gender bender situation.

That's the last thing I want. News like this must sound exciting to you because you get to hear more of my crazy adventures. But be warned there's more danger and uncertainty as my journey continues. It's starting to make me petrified as if it was my life that was on the line here. Seriously, in my last adventure, I almost felt like I actually got stabbed. I don't wish to relive that experience. It's honestly something you don't want ingrained in your head. Then again, Gary was my whole motivation for crawling back into the mysterious green fog in the first place. I guess, in a way, I somewhat deserved it.

So what happened to me now? You must be wondering. Well, what can I say other than I am sitting in my 2014 red Chevy Impala trying to shake that spooky feeling that is all over me like shrink wrap — knowing that I will never see Cathy, Mary or my grandfather Henry ever again. If I learned anything from my history classes through the years, it is that the further in time you go back, the more danger, death and diseases will follow...and isn't that the truth!

Speaking of death, I feel like I could have died from PURE BOREDOM as I was driving through the fog. It was so excruciatingly boring, especially when I have a cell phone to keep me occupied. You would think I would be used to it by now — nope! It still won't work in this fog! Anyway, let's start this new adventure with the fact that I've been driving in this fog slowly for what seemed like an eternity. But it was really only about an hour as I recall. It was so tiring just staring endlessly at nothingness. But what the heck was my hurry. I decided to go at a nice slow speed and try to enjoy the scenery as if I was riding a bike before the chaos begins. I was still frustrated and furious that I did not have a proper sendoff to the important people who helped me on Gary's journey — especially Cathy. Just ugh! I hope that this time... this one time, I will finally get the chance to leave on MY terms. Not on someone else's. I am entitled to that. Are you listening to me fog?! This ain't gonna slide anymore. I am not some dumb kid anymore!

Guess I had spoken too soon as I heard the same thunderous bang sound grow louder and scarier than ever before. I think the Fog heard me. I don't know if you remember but after the thunder comes it's usually a blinding white light that comes next. You know what that means. I closed my eyes tight like Fort Knox and hoped for the best.

Was it over yet? I slowly opened up my eyes as if they were a creaky door in an old house. Well, this wasn't so bad! I was standing outside in a hilly suburban neighborhood. I could tell the Fog transported me somewhere safe, but where? To my right I saw houses that kinda looked like my own neighborhood. But there were Halloween decorations all around. Actually, people were in the process of being taken down. So is this day after Halloween? Could it be that I am finally back home? That would be amazing. But if so, how long have I been gone? Just as I had all these thoughts swirling in my head I suddenly felt a cold breeze rush through my hair and my....LEGS?!

I don't remember opening my car window. Now that I took a second look, the houses do seem a bit closer to me. Closer, like sidewalk distance. Whoa! This is getting weird. So I quickly looked to my left and OMG I saw....

Lucas and The Time-Traveling Fog A Field Trip To RememberWhere stories live. Discover now