Chapter 3: Experiment T16

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The Hunters Make Their Move
Fort Lathom Maximum Security Prison stood as a monolithic fortress on the outskirts of Port
Rock, its imposing walls a testament to its formidable reputation. Deep within its labyrinthine
corridors lay a wing shrouded in secrecy—a realm reserved for the most dangerous of Port
Rock's vampire population.
As the heavy gates creaked open, you were escorted into the depths of the prison, surrounded by a detachment of armed guards. The reagent's orders echoed in your mind as you were led through dimly lit hallways and past rows of cells housing humanity's most depraved individuals.
Finally, you arrived at the secluded wing designated for vampires, a place of isolation and
confinement. Each cell contained a solitary vampire, their supernatural strength and hunger
contained behind reinforced bars and enchanted wards. The air was thick with tension, a palpable sense of danger lingering in the shadows.
Your cell door clanged shut behind you, sealing you in darkness. The silence was deafening,
broken only by the distant echoes of screams. You were alone with your thoughts, surrounded by creatures as deadly as they were predatory.
Periodically, guards would deliver sustenance to the vampire inmates—unfortunate souls
deemed expendable by society; their lives sacrificed to appease the hunger of those confined within the prison's walls. The scent of blood lingered in the air, a constant reminder of the precarious balance between control and chaos.
Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, each passing moment a testament to the tenuous nature of your existence. In the depths of Fort Lathom, time seemed to lose its meaning, measured only by the rhythmic pulse of blood and the ever-present threat of violence.
Locked away in this fortress of despair, you grappled with the darkness within yourself, the
hunger that gnawed at your insides, and the knowledge that escape seemed an impossible dream. But in the shadows of Fort Lathom, where desperation thrived and hope flickered like a dying ember, you knew that survival was the only option.
As the nights stretched on within the confines of Fort Lathom's maximum-security prison, you found yourself immersed in a relentless pursuit of understanding and mastery over your newfound abilities, as if being guided nay rather pushed forced into this need to know more of your abilities. In the dimly lit solitude of your cell, you delved deep into the recesses of your mind, piecing together fragmented memories and sensations, each revelation bringing you closer to unlocking the full extent of your potential.
With V's memories intertwining with your own, you experienced flashes of insight and clarity, moments of transcendent understanding that illuminated the path before you. The memories of combat, of swift and decisive action, flooded your consciousness, their echoes reverberating through your thoughts as you sought to emulate the prowess of your enigmatic predecessor.
Yet, amidst the moments of enlightenment, a shadow hung over your mind—a lingering sense of unease that gnawed at the edges of your consciousness. In the stillness of the day, as you lay in fitful slumber, you found yourself plagued by dreams of conflict and confrontation, locked in combat with an unseen adversary whose presence seemed to lurk just beyond the reach of your senses, day by day in sleep it taunts and fights you, in your waking hours you feel its presence at the corner of your away but just out of site, you feel as if it's mincing your movements, learning to be you.
In these dreams, the air crackled with tension, each movement heavy with the weight of
anticipation as you faced off against a foe whose features remained shrouded in darkness. The clash of unseen forces, the thunderous roar of battle—all echoed in the depths of your
subconscious, leaving you grappling with the visceral intensity of each encounter.
As you struggled to make sense of these daytime battles, a sense of urgency gripped you, driving you to hone your skills with a newfound fervor. You experimented with the shifting forms of your vampiric nature, testing the limits of your strength and agility as you sought to harness the primal energies that coursed through your veins.
Yet, for all your efforts, the identity of your unseen adversary remained elusive, a specter
haunting the fringes of your consciousness. Each day brought a new skirmish, each dream a
harrowing reminder of the unseen threats that lurked in the shadows, waiting to test your resolve and your mettle.
As you grapple with these daytime trials, a sense of foreboding settled over you, a premonition of challenges yet to come. But amidst the uncertainty and the looming specter of conflict, one thing remained clear—you were determined to confront whatever darkness awaited you, to emerge from the crucible of your trials stronger, wiser, and ready to face whatever the future held.
A sudden boom reverberates through the prison, jolting you from your daily routine. The air is charged with anticipation as the sound of chaos ensues outside your cell. As the vibrations settle, distant echoes of commotion reach your ears. A peculiar mixture of screams, shouts, and clashes suggest that something significant has disrupted the once-controlled environment of your confinement.
Curiosity intertwines with the lingering hunger that gnaws at the edges of your consciousness. The cell door, once an impenetrable barrier, now stands slightly ajar. The scent of fresh blood wafts through the air, carried on the whispers of turmoil beyond. The shadows, once your silent companions, now dance with a newfound fervor, as if responding to the upheaval.
You cautiously step out into the corridor, your senses heightened and the hunger within you
sensing an opportunity. The prison, once a fortress of your captivity, reveals itself in disarray. Broken chains and shattered cells tell a tale of violent liberation, and the scent of spilled vitae mingles with the metallic tang of fresh blood.
As you navigate through the chaos, the shadows cloak you in an almost instinctive embrace,
offering concealment as you observe the unfolding events. The once-imposing guards are now locked in desperate battles with an unknown force. Your enhanced senses catch snippets of conversations among the liberated vampires—whispers of a rebellion, a desire for freedom, and a disdain for the council's heavy-handed rule.
Listening to every whisper you finally find the identity of the assaulters, vampire hunters decked in high-tech armor and advanced weaponry, for the other vampire captives in this prison this meant their demise, as they were ruthless, but you thought this an opportunity not only to test your newfound skills and a chance for freedom.
In the dimly lit corridors of the prison, the eerie glow of the vampire hunters' high-tech armor casts an unsettling pallor. The air is charged with tension, and the distant hum of advanced
weaponry sets a disconcerting rhythm. The hunters move with tactical precision, their confidence in technology overshadowing the lurking fear of the supernatural.
As you emerge from the shadows, a chilling presence takes hold. The first hunter catches a
glimpse of your silhouette, and a wave of dread washes over them. The flickering lights cast
elongated shadows, playing tricks on their already jittery nerves. The air grows heavy, and an unsettling silence precedes the impending terror.
With a sudden burst of supernatural speed, you dart forward, leaving trails of shadows in your wake. The hunters' eyes widen in horror as they struggle to track your movements. The blinding flash of their weapons reveals only fleeting glimpses of your phantom-like form, heightening their sense of vulnerability.
The technology they once relied upon falters in the face of the unknown. Sensors malfunction as shadows distort their perception, rendering the carefully calibrated armor useless. Panic sets in as they realize their arsenal cannot save them from the enveloping darkness. The claustrophobic corridors become a labyrinth of shadows, and the hunters find themselves disoriented and vulnerable. The sounds of their hurried footsteps echo through the confined space, each step marked by an undercurrent of fear. The pulse of their rapidly beating hearts resonates with the haunting rhythm of a nightmare coming to life.
Your claws emerge from the darkness, swift and merciless. The hunters, paralyzed by fear, watch helplessly as their once-imposing armor proves futile against the supernatural force before them.
Shadows coil around them, suffocating the remnants of their bravado.
With a blood-curdling shriek, one of the hunters succumbs to the darkness, their technology
failing to offer any solace. The others frantically attempt to recalibrate their weapons, but the shadows seem to feed on their fear, growing stronger with each passing moment.
As you stand amidst the chaos, the hunters' eyes reflect the stark realization that their advanced weaponry is no match for the primal terror that now confronts them. The battle unfolds as a descent into madness, an intense horror scene that leaves the once-confident hunters shattered and broken, their hope extinguished by the encroaching darkness.
One hunter survived not by design of course, as you were going for a total massacre, but you viewed this as an opportunity, you drag the hunter into the darkness of the prison, tear the armor off leaving her bare, and now the assault and nightmare began... FOR HER
In the cold embrace of the shadows, Valery Winters finds herself at the mercy of an entity born from the darkness itself.
As her armor crumbles away, vulnerability sets in, and the oppressive silence amplifies the echoes of her racing heartbeat. The dim glow of the corridor's emergency lights flickers, casting eerie shadows that dance with the torment about to unfold.
Before the mental assault commences, a brief pause settles upon the darkness. In the echoes of Valery's breaths, the internal monologue of her thoughts narrates the terror that ensues:Valery Winters, a name etched on the annals of the Silver Edge, a regiment known for its ruthlessness against the supernatural. A soldier draped in secrets; her double life concealed beneath the guise of a big game hunter, which she used to explain her impressive weapons collection. The very shadows she once wielded as a weapon now threaten to consume her.
The assault began, and ghastly images projected into Valery's mind weave a tapestry of cruelty and brutality. Scenes unfold with vivid horror, a visceral display of the macabre. Loved ones, oblivious to her clandestine existence, suffer unspeakable atrocities, each frame etching a deeper wound upon her psyche. As the darkness amplifies the haunting visions, Valery's resolve begins to crumble. Her mind, a fortress built on discipline and training, shudders under the weight of the relentless onslaught. The torment is a
grotesque dance between reality and nightmare, blurring the lines of her sanity.
Amid the mental maelstrom, a voice emanates from the shadows—a voice not heard with ears but felt within the recesses of her tortured mind. A voice that demands recognition, a call echoing through the labyrinth of Valery's consciousness.
"What is your name?" The question, though spoken in the silence of the shadows, reverberates with a chilling intensity.
A tremor courses through Valery's being as she stammers, "Valery... Valery Winters."
The shadows tighten their grip, pulling forth the revelation of her rank and regiment. The voice persists, unraveling the tightly wound secrets she swore to protect. It navigates the corridors of her mind, extracting the essence of her mission—her intention to capture the being known as Experiment T16...YOU.
The dialogue unfolds with a grotesque clarity, each revelation a stark reminder of the fragility of her secrets. Valery confesses the clandestine workings of the Silver Edge, and their determination to harness the supernatural for their gains. The experiment believed dead, now stands as a relentless force turning the tables on its captors. As the darkness clings to every corner of her consciousness, Valery, stripped of armor and defense, succumbs to the psychological onslaught. A frail agreement emerges, a surrender born from the realization that the shadows wielded not only terror but the power to expose the concealed truths.
The relentless assault on her mind pauses, leaving Valery battered and broken in the abyss of her thoughts. The shadows retreat, and in the aftermath of the mental torment, she remains a shell, haunted by the revelations torn from the depths of her psyche. The cruel ballet of darkness and despair, orchestrated by the creature born of experiment and shadow, reveals the fragility of secrets and the high cost of hidden lives.
In the cold embrace of shadows, an idea unfurls within the labyrinth of your thoughts, an idea given to you as if a command. Valery lies vulnerable on the floor, her fate now entwined with your whims. As you contemplate this wicked turn of events, an internal monologue echoes through the chambers of your mind.
"This wretched hunter, now a canvas upon which OUR design takes shape. Her blood, a potent elixir to forge a bond that transcends the corporeal. A ghoul, tethered to OUR will, gifted with strength and instincts beyond the pale of humanity. The sacrifice of her humanity for servitude to OUR dark cause."
A sinister smile curves your lips, a fleeting expression that only the shadows bear witness to. You cut into your own flesh, a macabre offering as the ruby essence drips into the abyss. The back of Valery's head is seized with a firm grip, her terror laid bare as she perceives the impending communion. The air thickens with tension, a palpable malevolence in the unseen dance between predator and prey.
With a cruel twist of fate, you force her to partake in the tainted nectar, a silent covenant forged in the shadows. The horror etched on Valery's face mirrors the predatory satisfaction within your gaze. The echoes of her torment reverberate through the labyrinth of your thoughts as you unveil the path to her twisted rebirth.
"She shall be OUR eyes in the daylight, my silent emissary among the mortals. A pawn in this intricate game of shadows and deceit. With the blood bond coursing through her veins, secrets whispered between us without the need for words. An instrument of OUR will, veiled in the guise of a mortal."
As you retreat into the shadows, leaving Valery abandoned near an exit, her comrades discover her fallen form amidst the aftermath of their shattered resolve. The other hunters, defeated and fleeing from the
encroaching darkness, unwittingly carry Valery with them—an unwitting agent poised to infiltrate their
You watch from the abyss, the puppet master orchestrating the clandestine ballet of shadows. The dance
of the vampiric and the mortal, a macabre choreography unfolding in the theater of eternal night.
A few hours later
Khan scrutinizes the remnants of the prison, his keen eyes absorbing the scene of utter destruction caused by the vampire hunters. He studies the aftermath, noting the precision with which the hunters targeted the stronghold. As he reviews the surveillance footage, a subtle nod indicates his acknowledgment of the calculated destruction wrought by the vampire hunters.
"The hunters executed their plan meticulously," Khan observes, his voice reflecting both respect for their strategic prowess and acknowledgment of the challenges faced. "However, it appears the fledgling within sought not only escape but an opportunity to showcase newfound prowess."The playback reveals a dance of shadows and chaos—a deadly symphony where you, the fledgling, emerge as the enigmatic conductor. Amid the frenetic conflict between hunters and vampiric enforcers, you move with a feral grace, engaging with both sides in a display of ferocious combat."The fledgling demonstrated remarkable skill," Khan notes, his tone infused with a mix of awe and wariness. "To navigate and triumph in the chaos of such a battle speaks to abilities rarely seen among our
The council watches as you leverage your vampiric gifts, fending off both hunters and enforcers with a prowess that borders on supernatural. Shadows become your ally, a cloak that shields you from harm as you slip through the deadly crossfire, emerging victorious from the wreckage.
"The fledgling has earned his escape with blood and shadow," Khan states, the undercurrent of caution apparent in his words. As Khan addresses the council, the reagent's voice pierces the air, her command cutting through the lingering echoes of the battle. "Khan," she intones with an authoritative tone, "the chapter is not closed. Track down the fledgling, and this time, bring me his head."
The council's collective gaze follows Khan as he receives the new directive. The gravity of the task is evident, the reagent's words echoing through the grand chamber. Khan's expression remains stoic, a silent acknowledgment of the weight of his mission.
Khan exits the room leaving the 7 council members to themselves.
In the dimly lit chamber, the council gathered, their ancient eyes reflecting the complexity of the situation. Chancellor Malik Obsidian opened the discussion with a grave tone. "We're facing a threat unlike any we've encountered before. The hunters' bold move demands a decisive response. The fledgling harbors unknowns, and I propose a swift and thorough resolution."
Princess Isha Moonshade, a master manipulator, interjected, "Malik, I agree the hunters need a swift response but I say we capture the fledgling alive our experiments need to continue we can't disregard the benefits in his unique DNA—it could be a key to new vampiric hights for this council and an edge above our enemies.
Chancellor Malik remained resolute. "The hunters will need false information to the news and public, and a few strategic hits, and with regards to potential benefits is not worth risking the security of our kind. We must prioritize eliminating the threat swiftly, I suggest we send at least 5 more enforcers."
Grand Sovereign Elysia Nightshade, a symbol of nobility, questioned the overkill approach.
"Malik, must we resort to such extreme measures? for the fledgling!!!! A measured response would convey strength without appearing desperate or weak, and Khan is that measured response he has bested him before and far stronger vampires"
Lord Darian Ironheart, the honorable leader of Vorathex, agreed with Elysia. "Our allies and enemies in other cities watch our every move. A blatant display of aggression could sow discord among our kind."
High Magus Sylas Nocturne, adorned in occult symbols, suggested a more nuanced approach. "We must not ignore the potential for arcane knowledge the fledgling might possess. A hasty decision could lead to the loss of valuable information."
Lady Selene Shadowweaver, the mistress of shadows, spoke with a veiled caution. "Malik, I
understand the urgency, but we should not underestimate our strength and resources.
Perhaps a more strategic elimination, preserving the appearance of strength, is in our best
Chancellor Malik, aware of the delicate balance, responded, "Very well I shall trust Khan but for the vampire hunters we cannot afford to appear weak. The hunters have crossed boundaries we thought secure. It demands an unequivocal response."
Silent throughout the discourse, Lady Freydis Stormheart, the Nordic warrior, finally spoke.
"Unity is our strength, but the threat must be eradicated. The hunters' bold move demands a
resolute answer, Khan will deal with the fledgling he will take 2 under his command this will not raise any suspicion, with that we will focus on the hunters.."
The Ghoul
Valery Winters sits in a dimly lit debriefing room, her nerves on edge as she awaits the
interrogation that will dissect the harrowing events of the recent mission. Her mind replays the horrors of the battle in the prison, where she witnessed the ferocity of the unknown creature they were tasked to capture. The memory sends shivers down her spine, and she can still feel the weight of loss and fear that engulfed her during the chaos. As the door creaks open, she braces herself for the probing questions that will force her to relive the nightmare once more.
Interrogator: Good evening, Miss Winters. I trust you're feeling up to this?
Valery: (Nods affirmatively, not like she has a choice in the matter) Yes, sir.
Interrogator: Let's start from the beginning, shall we? Walk us through the events of the mission.
Valery: The mission started as it should, we had the guards unaware and our assault went accordingly, we broke off into 5-man teams, for each wing. There was minimal resistance in our wing, prisoners fighting with the guards allowed for easy termination of guards and prisoners, till we reached the corridor that was heavily damaged, the lights were damaged.
Then it started the bloodbath. The target ambushed us in the prison, and chaos
Valery: "I-I don't know how to describe it, sir," she began, her words faltering. "I remember
feeling immense terror grip me, and I presume the rest of the squad felt it too, but I couldn't be sure." Her hands shook as she struggled to find the right words. "Then suddenly, a chilling presence emerged from the shadows. It moved with supernatural speed, darting around us.
Even our advanced technology proved futile against it. It picked us off one by one, and panic began consuming the squad as we realized we were no match for it. The battle was a descent into madness." Her voice trailed off, haunted by the memories of that terrifying encounter.
Interrogator: Was it the experiment, T16?
Valery's voice quivered as she spoke, her gaze distant as she relived the horrors of that fateful day. "Yes," she said after a moment, her voice barely above a whisper. "I believe so." Her eyes flickered with pain and fear as she continued. "I was the only one left alive, and that... that monster, it took its time with me." She paused, her breath catching in her throat. "The physical torture, I could handle. But the mental anguish... that, I can't even begin to explain. Nor do I want to recall it." Her voice trailed off; her expression haunted by the memories she wished to forget. "I'm just... I'm just grateful I blacked out."
Interrogator: And what about the blood? You were found covered in it when we retrieved you. Care to explain?
Valery: (Swallows hard) It... It was everywhere, sir. My squad... they... they didn't make it. I
thought I was going to die too. But then... everything just... stopped.
Interrogator: (Raises an eyebrow) Stopped?
Valery: (Voice barely above a whisper) Yes, sir, next time i awoke i was in the infirmary.
Interrogator: (Gazes intently) Fascinating. Thank you, Miss Winters. That will be all for now.
Valery: Thank you, sir.
As Valery exits the debriefing room, she can't shake the dread lingering in her mind.
The memories of the battle and the inexplicable events continue to haunt her, leaving her with more questions than answers.
In the shadowy confines of the observation room, two top-ranking generals stood with an air of authority, their silhouettes barely discernible against the darkness. Their hushed tones conveyed a sense of urgency as they discussed the unfolding interrogation.
"Has she been compromised?" one general queried, his voice a low rumble of concern.
The other shook his head imperceptibly, his posture rigid with tension. "Impossible," he asserted, his voice carrying the weight of authority. Our hunters are on medications that ensure that we can't be turned into vampires or ghouls, our bodies reject their blood violently, within the first 2 hours, plus the DNA of the siring vampire used on T16 was from an immensely old feral and all ghouls experiments created feral ghouls as well.
A palpable silence descended upon the room as they contemplated the gravity of the situation. Despite their high rank, the threat of exposure loomed large, and they knew they couldn't afford any missteps.
"Nevertheless," the first general interjected his tone firm, "we need to keep an eye on her. And we need to track down T16. If word of him gets back to HQ, it'll be the end of us."
The gravity of his words hung heavy in the air as they watched the events unfold on the other side of the mirror, knowing that the fate of their clandestine operations rested on their next move. Valery, as she lay in the stark room of the debriefing facility, was approached by a stern-faced agent who relayed the instructions. "Miss Winters," he began, his voice measured yet firm, "for your safety, you will be transferred to a secure safe house. You will remain there for a month, during which time our operatives will closely monitor any developments.
The vampire council is known for its tenacity in pursuing matters such as these, and we must take every precaution to safeguard your well-being." With that, the agent
signaled for Valery to follow, ushering her toward the waiting transport that would take her to the designated safe house.
In the confines of the safe house, Valery lay restless, her slumber plagued by haunting visions that seemed to claw at the edges of her consciousness. Cameras stationed in her room captured her tossing and turning, the monitors displaying her fitful movements to the watching eyes of those tasked with her protection.
Unbeknownst to them, however, you lingered in the shadows of her mind, your presence a silent intrusion into her troubled thoughts. As she tossed in her sleep, you navigated the labyrinth of her subconscious, probing the depths of her memories and fears with an insidious curiosity.
With each passing moment, you delved deeper into her psyche, unraveling the threads of her consciousness with a predatory precision. The images that flickered across her mind's eye
became your canvas, painted with the vivid hues of her darkest fears and most haunting
To those monitoring the surveillance feeds, it appeared as though she was locked in a battle with unseen demons, her struggles mirroring the invisible conflict raging within her mind. But in reality, it was your unseen presence that stirred the tempest of her nightmares, your influence shaping the contours of her subconscious with chilling intent.
As Valery tossed and turned, ensnared in the tendrils of her terror, you watched from the shadows of her mind, a silent specter haunting her every thought and dream. And with each passing moment, the divide between reality and nightmare blurred, until it became impossible to discern where one ended and the other began.
As Valery drifts into the recesses of her mind, she finds herself in the familiar yet unsettling
darkness that she knows all too well. The echo of your voice resonates within her, and she braces herself for what is to come. "Valery," you speak, your voice echoing in the abyss, "I saw the interrogation, I know what they want from you. But there's more to this than meets the eye. I need you to delve deeper, to uncover information that could be vital to both of me."
Valery's mind races as she processes your words, the memory of your blood coursing through her veins still fresh in her mind. "What do you want me to find?" she responds, her voice tinged with both curiosity and trepidation.
"I need you to find out everything you can about the Silver edge and the Vampire council, their plans, their weaknesses, anything that could give me an advantage," you instruct, your tone urgent yet measured. "And when you return to the waking world, you won't remember this conversation. But when you're in my presence, it will all come back to you."
Valery nods, understanding the gravity of the task at hand. "I have no choice do," she replies, you just smile
Before releasing her from the depths of her subconscious, another thought crosses your mind. "Valery," you add, your voice taking on a more commanding tone, "when you return, aim for the top. Get access to create your own squad, your own team. And when the time comes, I will turn them into ghouls, our own splinter cell within the ranks of the hunters."
Valery's eyes widen at the magnitude of your request, but she nods in silent agreement. With that, you release her from the confines of her mind, allowing her to return to the waking world with a newfound sense of purpose and determination.

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