Chapter one 1: Sanctuary

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The Sanctuary.

I was laying on my bed, it was around midnight or two in the morning. It didn't matter, or, I just didn't care. I stood up and got dressed, a pair of baggy shorts and a baggy long sleeve. I put on a pair of shoes before laying back down.

In a few hours, work would start, everyone would fill the halls and cower in fear. It didn't matter to me. I hated working, dad knows that. Mum died early in the apocalypse. Maybe it was my fault, maybe I should have been more careful with who I trusted, whatever, I learned my lesson. Dad wouldn't come wake me up, he'd wait for me to wake up then he'd pretty much let me do anything I wanted.

Today we were going to get ready to find a new place and take half their shit, like always. Today was Hilltop. I looked over at the wall, The clock said it was six am. Everyone began to fill the halls and get to work, chatting, yelling, and a few fights. I sat up and looked out the window, it was raining pretty hard. I should get up. I walked to the door and walked down the hallway, my room was on the middle floor, not the tenth, the fifth.

Dad's was on the third floor. I grabbed my gun and strapped it to my hip along with a few knifes. I put on my necklaces, bracelets and rings. I grabbed my large, camping size backpack, for if I find anything worth keeping.

I walked down the stairs slowly and walked down to dad's room. I banged on the door quickly before hiding in a room beside his. He swung the door open. "Y/N. I know it's you." Dad chuckled. I walked over and smiled. "When are we going to Hilltop? I wanna see the shee-" A few loud gun shots rung my ears. I looked at dad. He grabbed Lucille and we both ran down the stairs. I was fucking out of breath but dad acted like it was a casual walk.

As we got down the steps another shot rung the air. A guy stood with a pistol and some guy laid on the floor. He had two shots in him, I thought I heard three? I looked at dad. He looked like he'd seen a ghost. He quickly picked me up. That's when it registered, I was the third shot. I looked down, the blood was soaking my shirt.


I looked at dad, he seemed panicked, he ran to the medical office and gently laid me down, shouting at the doctor to help me. Then I blacked out. When I woke up, I felt the pain of where it was, I guess I hadn't realized due to the adrenaline. I sat up and held my stomach, I guess I got shot somewhere in the ribs. Dad quickly hugged me. "Are you alright?" He asked. "Uh, no.* I chuckled. "I swear, I'm gonna fucking kill-" Dad stood up. "Before you kill anyone, can you go up to my room and grab me a shirt, long sleeve?" I asked. He ruffled my hair and went to get my shirt.

I looked over at the doctor who looked really scared. "Sorry he yelled at you." I apologized. The doctor nodded. Dad came back a few minutes later with a shirt for me. I put it on and slowly stood up, grabbing my stuff. "And don't kill anyone. I'm sure it was an accident." I looked at the clock, around 6:30 PM. "New record of not killing someone." I smiled. "Shut the fuck up, little shit." He chuckled.

"Why the fuck are your teeth so white?" I asked. "It's dentures isn't it?" I looked up at him. He was about 6'6 I was short as fuck, about 5'5. He chuckled. We both walked to a stand that faced the whole wide room, everyone was waiting..

"I want to know who the fuck shot my son!" He yelled. I looked over the room. Nobody said anything. We walked down to stand in front of everyone. A guy stood with a fearful look, Dad grabbed him by the shirt. "I will give you fucking immunity if you tell me, WHO THE FUCK SHOT MY SON!" He yelled very aggressively in the man's face. "It was James!" He cowered.

James looked scared, he was running through people to get away from dad. Dad ran after him and dragged him back by his collar. He grabbed James. Without another question and motioned for Dwight and Simon to hold the gut still. He grabbed a hot iron.

I hated when he burned people. I looked away and covered my ears, the sound of the man's screams filled the sanctuary. I looked up after the screams stopped. "Head outside, we'll leave for Hilltop in a few." Dad whispered, patting my shoulder. I nodded and began walking outside.

I kept my head down, but as always, I bumped into someone. David.. "Hi cutie.." David smirked down at me. "Please don't.. I have somewhere to be.." I began walking to the truck dad drove. David followed me over to the passenger side of the truck, facing away from everyone. David shoved me up against the truck. "Negan would never believe you if you told him. I'm his best man." He smirked, kissing my neck. I hated it. I hated him. But he was wouldn't believe me. Maybe he would.. but I doubt it.

I slapped David. This just led with me getting my ass kicked. He slammed a few punches in my face, hitting me in the eye, and splitting my lip. I put a hand over my face. "Fuck you!" I yelled at David as he began walking away.

He walked away with a smirk. I got in the truck and looked out the window, dad got in the truck a few minutes later. He looked over. "I was gone for two fucking seconds. What happened to you?" He chuckled. "I don't wanna talk about it.." I sighed.

We began driving to Hilltop.

(I try updating as much as possible and I need to do spell checks lol)

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