Very Important

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A few moments ago I discovered something very disturbing.

I received a message on Wattpad asking if I publish on Neobook.

Since I wasn't familiar with the app, I did a bit of research.

It turns out that the app steals stories from other users.

I'm not sure if my story was also stolen, but I prefer not to take the risk. Therefore, in a short time I will delete the story from Wattpad and continue writing elsewhere. in a safer place.

I'm terribly sorry if you enjoyed my story, and at the same time I also appreciate it very much.

I really enjoyed writing my story here and reading the heartwarming comments.

I wish you all the best.

Goodbye for now, and who knows? Maybe you'll find one of my books in bookstores one day!

XOXO, Your Queen Dea <3

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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