coming out

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You and your mom have been sitting on the couch for the past three hours, sharing a bowl of popcorn while you binge watched Grey's Anatomy together. Neither of you guys' eyes left the screen, unless you wanted to look at how much popcorn was left.

As the two of you were watching the fourth episode of the day, your phone started buzzing with text messages, causing your mom to look over at it, raising an eyebrow. You watched her, before glancing at your phone as well. She raised an eyebrow at you, causing you to smile apologetically and reach over to flip your phone over.

However, flipping your phone didn't work as you got a couple more text messages. You groaned and reached for it again, checking them while your mom glanced at you. You looked back at her and raised an eyebrow, "What?"

"Nothing," she quickly popped a popcorn into her mouth before turning her attention back to the television. You shrugged and went back to checking the messages, causing you to start smiling and blushing a little. Your girlfriend, Olivia (yes Rodrigo), had sent you a series of cute selfies she took, a few from her bed, and a few from when she was at the studio.

The two of you had been dating for the past few months, having met at the Grammys last year thanks to Taylor, you hit it off immediately. There was only one problem though, you haven't come out to your mom yet, mainly because you didn't feel the need to, and it was scary even thinking of it, so you never did it.

You bit your inner cheek slightly before snapping a selfie of yourself to send back to her, causing Taylor to look back at you once more. You didn't notice her staring though, as you giggled softly while typing back a reply to Olivia.

"Who are you texting?" Your mom leaned over curiously as she tried to take a look at your phone screen, only for you to hide it even more. "No one," you quickly replied, the blush still evident on your face as you turned off your phone.

Taylor nodded slowly and turned her attention back to the show, still occasionally side-eyeing you as you went back to happily texting the mysterious person. "Are you sure that's no one?" She asked teasingly. "Yes mom, it's no one," you whined softly and blushed even more, causing her to giggle.

"Come on, I won't judge baby, who's the lucky guy?" She grinned at you while grabbing the remote and pausing the show. You stared back at her blankly, not knowing what to say. Your mom then had her full attention on you now, causing you to groan. "There's no one, okay mom? Can we just continue watching the show?" You tried changing the topic, but Taylor was not having it.

"Nope! I know that look, you were blushing and giggling over some texts, there's someone in your life and I want to know who he is," she leaned back on the couch and stared at you. You knew there was no chance of getting out of this one, there was no way she was letting it go.

You put your phone down and sat up straight, causing her to do the same. "Baby? Is everything okay?" She started growing concerned as you looked down at your hands nervously and cleared your throat. "Yeah... um... it's not a he," you mumbled, almost inaudibly as you played with your hands. "What do you mean? It's a she?" Taylor asked softly as she continued watching you.

You nodded slowly before shyly looking up at her, scared of her reaction. You knew she wasn't homophobic or anything, but it was still scary nonetheless. She flashed a toothy grin and threw her arms around you, taking you by surprise.

"I'm so proud of you," she whispered, causing you to grin. "Thanks Mom, I love you."

"I love you too baby, now, tell me, who's the lucky girl?" She let go after a few minutes and went back to staring at you. You started blushing again and bit your lip slightly, "Olivia." Taylor furrowed her brows slightly.


You nodded, chuckling. She shook her head in astonishment and smiled, "How long? And why didn't you tell me?"

"A few months, we started dating a few weeks after meeting at the Grammys last year," you shrugged, "and I didn't tell you because I didn't know how you'd react."

"Baby, you know I love you no matter what, right?" She asked and you simply nodded. "I know, but coming out is just so scary," you confessed, causing her to pout a little. "I know, which is why I'm proud of you."

"Thank you," you sighed happily and grinned.


idk what is this goodbye 😭

also the next chapter is for the reneé rapp girlies! (me)

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