Work of Art (ProfxStudent)

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"Y/n, stay after class," she says, her lovely raspy voice sending shivers down my spine.

"Yes, Miss Romanoff," I reply, my voice steady despite the flutter in my chest.

The class drags on but with every passing minute we get closer to being alone. Finally, one after the other students leave until it’s only us left in the room.

"You asked me to stay after class, Miss Romanoff," I say, trying to keep my tone casual as I take a step closer to her desk. "What is it?"

She looked up from her notes and there was some sort of intensity in her eyes as they met mine.“That painting you handed in caught my eye.” she whispered with a low voice and  husky.

I nod, feeling a sense of pride swell within me. I'd known she would notice – after all, I'd deliberately made sure that the woman in my portrait bore a resemblance to her. And it was the first portrait I'd ever submitted.

"It's just... the woman's face is... remarkable," she says, her words trailing off as she gazes at me.

I take another step closer, my eyes locked on hers. "The woman looks like you?" I ask, my voice barely above a whisper.

With a soft pink coloring appearing on her cheeks, she nodded softly. “Mhmm…”

I take another step closer, my heart pounding in my chest. "Why me?" She ask, with her voice low and urgent.

I look at her, her eyes flashing with a hint of mischief. "Your perfect features really caught my attention,"  I say, with my voice husky with emotion.

She move closer still, my body inches from hers. "I love it," she says barely above a whisper.

"Wanna know my next idea for our new project portrait?" I ask, my eyes locked on hers.

She nods, her gaze never leaving mine. "Yes."

"Your body, your curves, your skin, your hands... everything about you is perfect,  Miss Romanoff" I say, my voice filled with emotion. "I'll make you feel like a work of art through my portrait."

Her eyes flash with surprise, and for a moment, she looks away. But then she turns back to me, her gaze burning with intensity.

"Take me where you live and paint me," she whispers, her breath warm against my ear.

The words send shivers down my spine as I realize that she's not just talking about art – she's talking about something much deeper.

I pull back slowly, my eyes locked on hers. And then, without another word, I lean in and kiss her.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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