The Prequel

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6 months ago...

The shear idea of sitting in one of the New Republics million-hour meetings made my head ache. Although they were now more civilized since the post-Battle of Endor gatherings, it was still an annoyance. Vader, my father, sat beside me, equally irritated about the whole ordeal. Leia had commed me about it just moments ago when we were on our way to see her.

The assembly chamber was a circular room with windows that gleamed from the controlled sunlight of Coruscant. The glass was ringed around the top of the room with a skylight to make a perfect spot for the podium. My father had once told me it reminded him of the old Jedi council room, which was unsurprising because it was conveniently inside the old Jedi Temple for the time being. I watched silently as Mon Mothma, the Supreme Chancellor, took her place at the dais in the center.

"Greetings brothers and sisters," her soft voiced echoed throughout the silent room, "-I have gathered you all here because it has come to my attention that most of you have had issues with our defected ex-imperials." The hairs on the back of my neck rose and I felt the sudden presence of the guards at each exit of the room.

This had strictly been a high-rank meeting and Leia had told me nothing, except for the fact that it was entirely classified. I got the feeling that I now knew why, glancing at Vader's weariness. I looked back at The Chancellor and my heart skipped a beat with her next words.

Mon Mothma spoke; "Seeing as we have some gathered with us currently, I have decided to announce this quickly and swiftly." I listened as she took a small breath, getting a bad feeling.

"Starting as soon as this meeting is adjourned, all ranking ex-Imperials will be sent to a rehabilitation center on a moon in the Arankis Sector. There they will stay for three months before coming back to join the Republic. It is with great displeasure that-" the woman stopped as her head snapped over to a man suddenly being ripped from his seat. He was shouting all sorts of Axxilian pirate slurs, and I realized that it was Admiral Piett. Dread dripped down my spine, surely, she wasn't serious, right?

"With great displeasure ? Liar!" A woman yelled from across the room, spitting on the floor. A guard raced towards her and held her in a way not unlike Piett. One hand covered her mouth and the other held her arms crossed behind her back.

Before I could hesitate, I felt heat rise into my head, my throat closing in on itself, and an irresistible urge to scream at the woman in front of me. And I did exactly that. I surged up from my sitting position and cruel words were flying out of my mouth directly towards The Chancellor. My cheeks were getting hotter, and my mouth felt like it was filled with water. After everything we've done to regain trust in the New Republic, this is how they treat us? Liar, liar, liar , my thoughts echoed though my skull, ringing on the inner walls that held the most precious part of me.

The ringing faded and as it turns out, my thoughts were not just in my head. Everyone in the room watched as I stopped my fruitless yelling, it was so silent you could've heard a pin drop. My right hand was extended out in a familiar position of my digits making a semi-circle. Realization filled me and I released my hold on Mothma, watching as her now-pale body hid the floor with what felt like a thunderous thud.

I tried to tune back into reality, but the piercing anger that thrummed throughout my body was too strong. In, out, I told myself, my chest heaving trying to get me to breathe. I could distantly hear the sound of my father's voice breaking though the bells of my mind. Chopped syllables, half thought words, everything was as if I was seeing though different eyes. What is happening to me? I could no longer feel my body, it was all cold, almost as if I had been cut off from the force.

"Anie-...Hear......Off!..Gra-" my thoughts stopped swarming at this. Vader's sharp tones broke though, and I could feel again, although I could only feel overwhelming pain. Had the Republic done this to me?

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