The First Day

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I ran up back to her side, still smiling like a kid whose gift is actually what he wanted for Christmas. My pace matching hers within a second. A few more steps, and we'd reach the classroom, to which I sprinted in order to open the door for her. Douchebag move? Yeah.. I know I have to be subtle. It's a reflex. She looked at me before she went in.. perhaps it was a thank you or a "What was that? Hahaha" look. That.. is a sign that you've failed. Entering the classroom, it would seem we'd go our separate ways as I watched her part away from me heading to her seat. I was then greeted by my friends as I return the same type of greeting before settling down onto my seat which was a seat behind her. After doing so, I slid towards the seat beside her, my friends following shortly and surrounding the both of us. As my friends began to converse with her like she was already part of the group, it got me silent.. just staring at her as she talks, looks, laughs and smiles.. picture perfect. I've been staring for so long.. That the bell had rung.. yet I was still feasting off her beauty. I'd notice her hand reach for my shoulder, shaking me, snapping me out of it.

"Uiy, Marshall, it's bell time. You okay?" She said as she shook me.

Snapping out of it, I just smile like an idiot.. staring at her.

"Uhh...huh.. Oh wait.. It's time? Oh God.. Let's go!" I exclaimed, rising as if I was late for something, however as I was to begin my dash, I felt a hand hold me by the wrist, stopping me in my tracks. I stop to check on her. Is.. Is she holding me?!

"Um.. Scarlet?" I ask in confusion as she began to walk, whilst letting go of my wrist.

"Let's just walk~." She said ever so innocently and sweetly.

I, as a man, could NOT! Resist. Thus, I merely smile and walk out the door with her into the assembly line where we finally part. However.. As I have walk farther from her, I could never stop myself from walking backward as my head faces where she is placed. She's smaller than I am.. Which makes her even cuter. And even as I move into place, and despite the different girls that are lined up.. I could still tell which one was her. The prayer was said, the national anthem sung, and national pledge recited, and while we walked to our seats, the hardest thing to do was looking away. Everytime I did.. I just kept on looking again. Ever so excited, I began to quietly skip to her side again, engulfes by her scent and her aura..
Unfortunately.. My worst dreams have been realized. Being separated from her. The Adviser, a friend and a teacher, comes inside with papers. We all rise, this time, it was silent. And as she greeted her good morning, so did we. A voice of many, as one. We were then instructed to reach foe our bags, girls to the right, boys the opposite. The games begin. The seating arrangement. I wait anxiously for my turn.. But more over waiting for her turn. Her turn came.. she sat on the second row, third column. And as expected.. I was to sit at the rear. My tall posture was to be blames for that. The good thing is that, I can always keep an eye on my Scarlet. MY SCARLET. Class starts. Regular class, you can guess how exciting and boring this may be. But.. At times, everything becomes quiet, my eyes focus only on her. Despite being turned away from me, I didn't care. She had stolen me. Judging from mannerisms and surprise when called, Scarlet.. is the shy type.. well, around unfamiliar people that is. As time flies, a note was passed from behind, and then to her. The note then opened, and inside, written sweetly and in cursive that is barely legible.. to most.. it reads:

"Hi Tiger~."


Looking back at me, she had that smile again.. That smile she has when she's surprised yet very very happy. Of course one must be oblivious.. or must act like so. As she looks back, she'd see a very focused Marshall, lips puckered outward, jaw moving about as I act unknowing of the situation. But I cannot help myself, resulting into my eyes meeting hers, winking at her. I could just imagine her reaction as she shyly looks away. I could clearer see she's replying as she would hastily jat down on the given paper. A few minutes pass before I receive the very same paper. I smile wider as I open the note.

"Wooww xD Tiger~? Hahahaha Shouldn't you focus on the lesson?"


To which I would reply:

"I can't focus well.. I'm too focused on you. You're like my Kryptonite.. ;3"


And so the conversation goes on..

"Oohhh~. So you're Superman now? XD"


"We can dream~ ;) xD hahahhaa"


"Wooww hahahaha~~~ xD"


"I have a joke~. :3"


"Hit me :3"


"What are the jobs of bears?"


"Umm.... Caring? XD carebears xD"


"Nooo.... They are Bearbers! XD lel"


"Waaaaaa xD coorrnnyyyy~~~~"


"Sooo.. Not funny?"


"It's funny coz its corny xD hahahaha :3"


What is this? Someone found a joke of mine funny?... This must be a miracle!!! However I needed to stop sending messages as the teacher finally turns after writing on the board. But all day.. I was just.. infatuated, mesmerized, captivated.. I was madly in love with her. As crazy as it sounds, Love makes you do crazy things don't they? Day 1 passes.. Yet it felt like years, left me smiling till I dropped onto my bed out of tiredness, yet.. I still have the energy to smile... Scarlet.. You are something else.

Part 6>>

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