2: Pandemonium

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B5F Shibuya Metro Station:

The strongest sorcerer of mankind can be seen restrained by red pillars like extensions with eyes on it in front of which 'Suguru Geto' stood with his sticthed head opeen. Satoru Gojo scoffed but 'Geto' started to put his stitches back in place as he looked at Gojo.

"Don't worry, I'll release you in hundred years..no in thousands of years. You are too strong and you're a hindrance in my plans" 'Geto' said while Gojo chuckled and looked at Kenjaku with a grin.

"Hah!... Have you forgetten?. The person who beat the crap out of that body before I killed him?" Gojo asked with a smirk while Kenjaku frowned.

"Okkotsu Yuta huh... I don't see anything in that boy as appealing as you do. Copying techniques without conditions and a bottomless well of cursed energy, both of those were effects obtained by binding the soul of his most beloved with a pact" Kenjaku explained while Mahito who was next to the duo looked confused hearing this.

"Sorry to say this but Okkotsu Yuta can never replace you" Kenjaku said with a grin looking at Gojo who only grinned back at the body of his old best friend.

"Ohh is that so... Then what about the 'Next Suguru Geto' from Kyoto?. That kid is going to beat the crap out of everyone once he returns" Gojo said with a grin while one of 'Geto's' hand went upto his chin and he stood there in a thinking posture.

"Naruto Uzumaki huh.... Limitless potential with bottomless pool of cursed energy just like Okkotsu but this one also has inhumane lifeforce thanks to his ancestor Tengen.... Hmmm, I'll let you know whether he replaced you once you wake up in the new world Gojo Satoru. Now Good Night" Kenjaku said these words as the pillars closed in and Gojo Satoru was sealed.

Somewhere in Europe:

"Naruto......" Kafka mumbled in a low tone looking at Naruto who stood infront of her. Silver Wolf also could see what happened back in Japan when they were on the hunt for the last finger that was outside Japan.

"Yes Kafka... I sensed it, they have already begun it seems" he said as he summoned his dragger in his hand and be immediately was a blur of yellow line for them as he blitzed towards the direction he felt the cursed energy signature from while the other two ran after him.

'Damnit.... If Gojo Satoru was sealed, there's no one in Japan right now that could keep the country safe. Now wonder Naruto hurried to get this finger' thought Kafka as pink lightning started to cover her leg as she slowly started to increase her own speed.

"WAIT UP YOU TWO!!" Silver Wolf shouted as she didn't have any speed enhancing techniques in her arsenal and saw both the older male and female blitzing ahead of her. Naruto reached the area where he felt the finger's presence and was surprised when he saw it was basically a police station.

"A police station is perfect for a place to awaken curses you know, it's basically a pit of negative emotions; anger, sadness, grief, guilt and so much more" Naruto mumbled while Kafka who appeared next to him nodded her head as she had heard what he said.

"So what are you going to do?... Are we sneaking in or just blast down the front door?" She asked with a smirk while Naruto smirked as Kafka saw his body fading away, Kafka sighed as Naruto was using one of his technique which was to camouflage himself.

Kafka waited for Naruto's return and after ten minutes of waiting she heard the 'air' whistling and sighed, Kafka saw Naruto slowly fading into existence while giving her a grin and played with the finger that held in his hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07 ⏰

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