Kinda wished you were gay

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Its been a month since that crazy El classico and Gavi was tired.Tired of the embarrasment he felt deep within himself.He was tired of his family constantly asking if he was okay.Most importantly he was tired of how much he thought about Jude fucken Bellingham.He didnt know Jude was going to be that nice and kind to him but then again he never thought he was Evil either so that shouldnt matter.Too many times he had thought about Dm'ng him on Instagram to thank him for that day but he never got the courage to do so.Instead,he just kept him in his mind,for free.

"Are you going to New york,if they ask you to??"Pedri asks as they were enroute to Fermin's house for dinner

"To mingle with the Vinis of the world??i hope not...* He says as he scrolls down instagram

"you are back on Socials i see"Pedri smiles looking over his phone "Iam proud of you pablito.."

Gavi just rolls his eyes. "You sound like my mother"

Pedri just laughs.

"I hope we get chosen for the Event.It will be fun.Young players in Laliga for a week at a gorgeous hotel for team building exercise to show unity and #NotoRacism it will be fun and revolutionery.Jude may be chosen for Madrid i bet"Pedri says giving Gavi a side ways smirk.

"I should have never told you about the Nap room clearly"

"I would have known you have a crush on him regardless"

Gavi looks up from his phone giving Pedri a death stare"Are you fucken insane???What the fuck??I dont have a crush on him,like who told you that???thats some bullshit.."

"Daamn,bro..Language.Your anger just proved my point"


"Gavi,i understand him being nice to you after el classico but its been a month and you still talk about him.How you want to text him to say thank you,how he is tall and cute ,how..."

"i have never fucken said that??you literally just made this up"

"hummm,do you remember Joas birthday party??where you got so drunk we had to carry you home??

"Yap,not my finest moment"

"You were rumbling on about how Cute Jude was and how well he would take care of you in that instant...."

Gavi was shocked??wtf!!he had thought about it yes but he dont remember saying it out loud.When it comes to Jude,his intrusive thoughts just kept winning and maybe he should just let it be.

"Well,its your word against mine.I have never said that ever.."

Now it was Pedri's turn to roll his eyes.He was too hungry to argue.He knows what he heard.

🗣️"New Yooork,New Yooork"Vini was excited and shouted as soon as the plane landed in New york.He had worked so hard with the Laliga board to bring awareness about Racism in the sport and how to create a safe space for players especially the younger ones in the league.And his Impact has led them to this moment.

"Seeing Gavi's stupid face is not going to ruin this for me.."

"You were the decision maker,why did you allow them to invite Gavi??"Jude asks with a frown on his face

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