Between Thorns

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Songs for this chapter~ For the date: Love Story by Indila For the end: Desire by Palaye Royale

A few more days have passed, classes ended and Aurie ate dinner, then retreated to her dorm room where she spent most the night writing her letters. Sprawled out on her bed with an ink pen swirling her letters. It wasn't until she was momentarily disturbed by a black owl perched by her window. An ornate green envelope between its beak. A silver M with the same familiar design on the sealing wax. Malfoy.

She didn't have to read its contents, she already knew what it could be. A slight feeling of dread and nervousness washing over her. Still she gently opened to read its contents. His handwriting was very elegant and fine tipped. The phrase was short. "Meet me in the garden for our date."

Aurie sighed, going to her closet to get dressed in a beautiful black dress. The fabric clinging to her curves. She ran a brush through her long raven black hair. She felt nervous, but also weary. Aurie hadn't been on a date since her ex boyfriend took her on one. She could remember it still so vividly.

Aurie chose a dress that was a lively color. She spent hours on finding one in her size. Another couple hours alone on styling her hair. Word got around school that the most handsome man in Beauxbatons asked her on a date. She wanted to rub it in the faces of the girls who laughed because of her body weight.

Doing her makeup and making her way down the stairs. Her golden eyes sparkling under the light of the candles. A bright white smile plastered on her innocent face.

There he stood, dressed in a dark blue suit. His eyes sweeping over her dress. A charmed smile adorning his lips. He reached out a hand for her in which she graciously took.

He lead her to the ballroom, everyone gasping at how the two looked. Aurie blushed, she felt seen. Unfortunately, in the background girls whispered around her. Whispering about her weight, her appearance, how she probably bribed him to be her date. She ignored them, because he proudly had her on his arm. Turning her about on the dance floor.

A childhood friend came up to her once she was able to have a proper break asking for one dance. He lived just next door, he was usually a bit geeky. Long dark hair, glasses. Aurie never had any more interest other than being friends. However before she could answer.

"What a pathetic, pitiful fool." Her boyfriend had said a cruel expression on his face. "You see that she is with her boyfriend and you have the audacity to ask her to dance...with you? Please..."

"Pierre, he was just..." Aurie tried to coax him, but she felt scared.

"He was just what? Being friendly? Have you heard the rumors? He wants to steal you from me, Aurielle Cartier. I will not have that. You're my woman." His cold gaze hardened back on the boy. "She wouldn't permit herself with such filth like you. Now go. Tell him, my flocon de niege."

Aurie looked at Pierre and then back at her childhood friend. Her eyes became glassy, a lump growing in her throat. She didn't want to apologize. It would make her look weak. "I wouldn't permit myself to filth like you, Chancey. I never want to see you again. Leave."

Chancey's eyes filled with tears as he ran off. Aurie's back was against Pierre's as she looked after him. Aurie wasn't sure what she got herself into. She wished she embarrassed Pierre then...but it was too late.

Aurie made her way to the greenhouse. It was after curfew, so it was dark and quiet. The groundskeeper seemed to be too drunk again to notice anyone snooping around. Upon entering the greenhouse she was met with steely eyes, he was dressed in a deep emerald green jacket and pressed pants to match. The same black turtleneck too. He held out a red rose for her. His hair a slight yellow from the candle that was on the table full of French desserts.

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