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'WHAT ARE YOU doing here? and what happened to your face?' i question as i shut the door behind me, taking my heels off and walking towards him.

'i didn't have anywhere else to go.' he mumbles as i reach out to gently run my finger over the bruise on his cheek. i feel his eyes search mine for my response, but i don't speak until i retract my hand.

'come.' i murmur as i walk to the bathroom and he follows closely behind. i take out the first aid kit from the cabinet before i climb up on the counter and he stands between my legs, his hands going to my thighs as i push them off.

'so you're still mad?' oakley questions as i don't look at him, but i feel his eyes watch my every move. i take out the rubbing alcohol and put it on a cotton pad before i put it on his cut as he winces. 'baby, don't ignore me.'

'i'm not ignoring you.' i mumble, gently moving his chin up to wipe the blood off his cheek.

'then talk to me.' he urges, his hands moving back to my thighs as he keeps me in place.

'i don't want to.' i shrug, trying to get off but he doesn't let me. 'oakley.'

'nadya.' he speaks sternly as i roll my eyes. 'roll them again and i'll show you how far into your head i can make them go, now fucking tell me what's wrong.'

'vivienne told me that you told her that i'm the one initiating everything.' i speak without looking at him. 'do you have any cuts anywhere else?' i ask as he shakes his head.

'nady, listen-' he begins before i interrupt him.

'no, leave it. i don't care. she's your girlfriend and i'm not, i shouldn't have let what happened between us happen.' i speak before i get off the counter as he sighs.

'nadya, low it, man.' he mumbles as i throw the rubbish in the bin before i look up at him. 'listen, i promise i'll tell you everything at one point.' he mutters as i scoff.

'i don't care, oakley. you can't come here anymore, even after you've been beaten to a pulp.' i scold.

'but i need you, nady.' he speaks, his voice getting louder.

'oakley, we can't.' i speak as he kisses his teeth. 'now go before ani comes back.' he sighs defeatedly before he pecks my forehead and walks out, slamming the door behind him. i let out a breath after he leaves, rubbing my eyes as i feel tears start to well. 'for fuck's sake man.' i mumble before i walk to the bathroom, stripping before i step into the shower.

'WE'RE GONNA BE late.' i mumble to ani as i finish off my make up. we've already skipped breakfast because we slept in and we have 10 minutes to get to form, despite our classrooms being on the 2nd floor, we still have to get down from the dorms.

'no, we're not because i'm ready.' ani announces as she stands by the door, waiting for me to finish up before i get up, picking my blazer up and pulling it on as we both walk out. we jog down the stairs before entering the main building, the cafeteria empty as the corridors also start to empty out. we go up the stairs that are now emptier before we get to the second floor.

'bye, love you.' i say, pecking ani's cheek.

'love you too.' she responds before we part. i go to my form room on time, seeing cruz look up at me from his seat. i smile at him before sitting down beside him.

'hey.' he greets.

'hi.' i breathe, putting my bag down and dropping my head on the desk.

'so about oakley-' he begins as i chuckle.

'you have no idea what happened last night.' i begin as he furrows his brows at me, i retell the story as he rolls his eyes, making me laugh.

'he's doing too much.' he speaks as i shrug.

'i don't know, i feel horrible-'

'no, don't. he's the one who treated you like nothing and prioritised vivienne over you. you've accepted his apologies too much, and now you feel guilt for shit you shouldn't. i love you, nady, but you need to realise that you need someone who treats you how you deserve to be treated.' he speaks as i sigh, giving him a small smile as i wrap my arms around him.

'man, what would i do without you?' i speak as he pecks my forehead before we're shushed by our form tutor.

I LOOK UP from my physics sheet, seeing oakley walk into class. 'you're late, oakley.' mr hoover announces as he merely nods before turning his attention to me as he walks in and sits down beside me. i swallow hard but don't pay attention to him as i look back down at my sheet.

'baby, are you okay?' vivienne speaks as i mentally roll my eyes, feeling her walk to his side as she wraps an arm around his shoulders. clearly, she didn't see him last night.

'i'm good.' he barely murmurs as he shrugs her off. she sighs defeatedly before sitting back down in her seat. i feel him gently nudge my foot under the desk, making me move it away from him as i keep my eyes on the paper, finishing it off. however, he persists, making me stand up.

'i'm done.' i mumble, putting my stuff away before putting my bag on, leaving the sheet at the front. i hear oakley kiss his teeth as i open the door and walk out. i jog down the stairs, making it to the outside area where i see a specific brunette pressed up against the wall by a curly-head. i gasp quietly, covering my mouth to stifle my laugh as i see manny lipsing ani. i take a few steps back before i bump into a chest, turning around to see oakley stood there. 'for fuck's sake man can you not take a fucking hint?' i yell at him before he grabs my jaw, shutting me up.

'shut the fuck up and listen.' he speaks sternly before releasing my jaw, making me let out a breath and cross my arms. he looks around cautiously before he takes my hand, dragging me into a cleaner's room and locking the door behind us. 'i'm in deep shit, nady.' he begins, making me furrow my brows as i look up at him.

'what do you mean?'

he lets out a breath, looking anywhere but me before he speaks up again. 'you know how i was into drugs?' oak asks as i nod cautiously, urging him to continue. 'i haven't paid back barely anything.' he says with a small laugh, my brows furrowed as i look up at him. 'and yesterday, i went back to them to ask them for more time and they fucked me up.' he speaks, pulling his shirt up as i see his torso covered in bruises too. i gasp quietly, reaching out to gently touch over his bruises before i retract my hand and look up at him. 'and i don't know how, but they know about you. and they know about all my connections, and that's why i acted like i was with vivienne, so they would go for her instead because i swear to fucking god, nadya, if something happens to you because of me i swear i'll never forgive myself.' he unloads and i'm sure this is the longest i've heard him talk.

hi guys kinda short chapter sorry thank you for all ur support tho appreciate it LOTS <3

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