♟️five | Aella

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by Raye ft. 070 Shake

Countless luxury cars were parking on the Victorian castle that Stryker Prep Elite is, most with chauffeurs because zillionaire kids can't even drive their own cars

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Countless luxury cars were parking on the Victorian castle that Stryker Prep Elite is, most with chauffeurs because zillionaire kids can't even drive their own cars. Taking my helmet off, I moved my head and passed my fingers through my hair that got a bit messy on the rid, then I rolled my eyes when I felt countless eyes on me. Headphones still on, I put my helmet on the safe under the seat, grabbed my key and walked inside, phone in hand, changing the song.

But my eyes focused on the notification bar that showed new texts from three different people, which is not common at all. Unlocking it, I passed my eyes through 'em.

The first were from Sasaki.

ASHIHARA SASAKI, 29/02: Princess,

ASHIHARA SASAKI, 29/02: How are you?

ASHIHARA SASAKI, 29/02: I've been trying to reach you, but you answers nobody.

ASHIHARA SASAKI, 29/02: I tried talking to Tristan, but the bastard ignored me.

ASHIHARA SASAKI, 29/02: Then I tried Gemma, but she also had no bloody idea.

ASHIHARA SASAKI, 29/02: I went to your baby siblings, and they told you were stomach sick.

ASHIHARA SASAKI, 29/02: I need to talk to you, I can only think of you to help me.

ASHIHARA SASAKI, 29/02: Please.

ASHIHARA SASAKI, 29/02: I need help.

"Why am I not surprised?" I rolled my eyes, noticing he only talked to me because he needed something from me. Though I'll go along with it because he's one of the only nice people with me, genuinely so, and I appreciate that. Even if he's nice because I'm not nice to the founders legacies.

ME: I came to school today, ttys.

Then I opened the second chat. It was Gemma's, and I rolled my eyes at the sheer amount of 14 texts. She is a dramatic one.

GEMMA RUSSO, 18/05: Princeeeeeess,

GEMMA RUSSO, 18/05: I need your help.

GEMMA RUSSO, 18/05: Only you can help.

GEMMA RUSSO, 18/05: You're my friend, aren't you, Princess?

GEMMA RUSSO, 18/05: It's life or death.

GEMMA RUSSO, 18/05: I mean, not life or death, but my entire future is on the line.

GEMMA RUSSO, 18/05: And my family's pride in me as the oldest daughter!

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