31 1 3

"I told you, Charlotte, Lady Furina is completely booked for the next six months!" I sigh, dropping my head down on the coffee table I sat behind. Newspapers and various other documents were messily scattered, covering almost every inch of the visible surface, some with rings of water or spilled tea splotching their once pristine white pages and the black ink running and smudging.

"Ugh, she's impossible! Doesn't she know what an honor it would be for the Steambird to interview her?" Charlotte exclaims, clearly more than a bit frustrated. She and I have gone to Palais Mermonia every day for the last couple of months requesting to meet with the Hydro Archon, Lady Furina. We march in with high hopes, only to return to the office distraught and worn.

"She somehow has time to see all these operas yet can't spare half an hour for a few questions." I grumble while twirling a pen in between my fingers. Charlotte and I have been trying for months to secure an interview with the Hydro Archon. It absolutely baffles me how someone is "too busy" to spare half an hour for a few questions, but can set aside enough time to see an entire opera start to finish. At this point I feel like she's just avoiding us on purpose. Charlotte is known to be a ruthless and determined journalist. It's rare for her not to get her way. Somehow she always manages to get these interviews, yet the Hydro Archon eludes her. It's obvious that she takes it quite personally and perhaps, even as a tarnish to her skills as a writer.

"Well, I want you to march over to the Palais Mermonia and try again."

"Charlotte, do I have to? I was just there yesterday!"

"Yes! We can't give up. If we do, what kind of journalists would we be? We represent the Steambird! We have to give it our all, no matter how impossible it looks!"

She stands up, grabbing my arm and yanking me forcefully to my feet. She lets go of my arm and pushes me out toward the door.

"Are you sure you want me to go again?"

She nods her head vigorously and shoves me out the door.

"I expect you to come back with a bit of progress!"


She slams the door, cutting me off completely. I sigh, running my hands through my hair. She's always so stubborn. One day that's going to bite her in the butt. Well, I guess I better get going.

I walk down the street, a neutral expression on my face. I'm getting tired of running back and forth every day asking the same question and receiving the same answer day after day. It certainly puts a damper on one's mental health. Constant rejection that is. I don't know how much longer I'd be willing to keep running back and forth for an interview that I knew would never come to pass.

I sighed as my gaze landed on the grandiose doors leading into the heart of the Court of Fontaine, the Palais Mermonia. It is intricately built, the hundreds of windows all made of blue and green glass, smelted and shaped to perfection. It is indeed a place of great cosmetic beauty, a sight to behold. I notice a few people, mostly officials and a few scholars from Sumeru entering and leaving. I look up at the sky, seeing a few birds pass overhead before the clouds begin to immediately turn shades of gray and black, a raindrop falling onto my face. The weather here is so strange. It can be sunny and warm one minute, then in the blink of an eye it's downpouring. Oh, and it always rains after a trial without fail.

I wipe the drop off my cheek and quickly hurry to the doors, opening them. These doors weigh a ton...literally. Once inside I let out a small sigh. Here I am yet again. I walk down the main hallway leading to the center of the building. I reach the desk at the end where a familiar Melusine stands guard. She looks up at me and sighs.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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