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Sydney's P.O.V

"Dad please....don't do this." It was no use. I couldn't stop what was happening.
With tears streaming down my face, I couldn't do this anymore.

After he buckled his pants and left me stranded on the floor cold and naked on the concrete floor, I burst out into tears. I don't even know how I managed to since i was so wasted from trying to push him off.

I had to run. I had to get away. I ran up the wooden stairs and went into my room. I grabbed my rainbow duffle bag and packed everything I needed to run away. Tops, jeans, shoes , makeup and blah blah blah. You get the picture. Don't you?

I knew Dad wouldn't care but I wrote him a note anyway

'Dad, I can't deal with you and your shit. I need to go. Please don't try and find me cuz I'm not coming home.
Your one and only daughter,
Sydney Lee.

It was finally happening. I was leaving. For good and I didn't plan on coming back. I wanted a new life, better than this one. Although there have been many times when I wanted something but I never got it. Sometimes I lay there at night and wish I had my Mum.
But this time, this time was different.

I found the closest hotel which happened to be, 'Station Hotel'.
I stood at the desk and waited until a blonde haired girl came up to the desk.
"Hello. Are you wishing to stay here with us?" I smiled.
"Yes I am do you have any spare rooms?"
"We sure do. I shall have someone escort you to your room." She said as she handed me the keys to my room. Before I new it, my bags were being loaded onto a trolley thing and up to my room.
I can't wait for a new start. I looked at the escort man. It was him.

Cliff hangeeeerrrrrr!!!! XD
Im new to all of this writing stuff so I'm sorry if this is to short I am going this on my phone. Xx

I shall try and upload another chapter tomorrow.
Enjoy pandas xx

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