FUCK this

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As we came to a halt I almost fell I caught myself on the door knob "sorry sir" I got a handkerchief out of my back pack and whiped the knob cause I used to getting hit if done something wrong

As I was still cleaning the door knob with my PSP in one hand and in the other the handkerchief the door swung open and my PSP flew into the air crap as I ran to get it I didn't see the man or boy in front of me I just push them off a little I felt really bad I really didn't want to hurt them but I probably did and I ran to get my PSP I almost tripped on a guy but I jumped over his foot he was wearing all white and his hair was white he reminded me of my little brother well I used to call him my little brother because he was well adoptive brother he was also abusive I never called him brother I didn't even call my mother my mother or my father my father the PSP almost got to the ground then I quickly grabbed it with one of my fingers as i balanced it on my finger the man who took me there well here quickly said well that was close it was still balancing it on my finger i quickly said" I'm sorry for causing so much trouble I should leave"

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