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A few months pass, and Fourth and I settle into a comfortable rhythm. Our relationship grows stronger each day, and we've learned to navigate the public attention. But just when things seem to be going smoothly, a new challenge arises, testing our trust in each other.

One evening, we're at a promotional event for an upcoming project. The room is filled with industry professionals, fans, and media. As we mingle, I notice Marckris, a charismatic member of the popular Bus Boygroup, who has recently joined our circle of friends. He's charming and effortlessly charismatic, and I can't help but notice the way he looks at Fourth.

Throughout the evening, Marckris seems to gravitate towards Fourth, striking up conversations and laughing at his jokes. I try to brush off the uneasy feeling gnawing at me, but it becomes harder as the night goes on. I catch glimpses of Fourth smiling at Marckris, and my chest tightens with jealousy.

Later, as we're heading home, I can't keep my thoughts to myself any longer. "Fourth, did you notice how much time Marckris spent with you tonight?"

Fourth looks at me, puzzled. "Yeah, he's a nice guy. Why?"

I hesitate, trying to find the right words. "It just seemed like he was... really into you. It made me uncomfortable."

Fourth frowns, stopping in his tracks. "Gem, are you jealous?"

I sigh, running a hand through my hair. "Maybe. I don't know. It just felt like he was trying to get close to you, and I didn't like it."

Fourth takes my hand, his expression softening. "Gem, you have nothing to worry about. Marckris is just being friendly. You know I love you."

"I know," I reply, but the jealousy still lingers in my mind.

Over the next few weeks, Marckris continues to be a presence in our lives. He joins our group outings, and although he never does anything overtly inappropriate, I can't shake the feeling that he's trying to come between us. My jealousy starts to affect my mood, and Fourth notices.

One evening, after a particularly tense day, Fourth confronts me. "Gem, we need to talk. This thing with Marckris... it's affecting us."

I look away, ashamed of my insecurities. "I know. I'm sorry. I just can't help feeling like he's trying to take you away from me."

Fourth sits beside me, taking my hand. "Gem, you have to trust me. Marckris means nothing compared to you. I only have eyes for you."

I nod, but the doubts still linger. "I trust you, Fourth. It's him I don't trust."

Fourth sighs, thinking for a moment. "How about we talk to Marckris? Clear the air. Maybe there's something we're missing."

Reluctantly, I agree. The next day, we invite Marckris for coffee. As we sit down, Fourth gets straight to the point. "Marckris, there's something we need to discuss. Gem and I have noticed how much time you've been spending with us, and it's causing some tension."

Marckris looks surprised but nods. "I didn't realize. I just thought we were all becoming good friends."

I take a deep breath, deciding to be honest. "It feels like you're trying to get close to Fourth in a way that's more than just friendly. It's making me uncomfortable."

Marckris's eyes widen in realization. "Oh, I see. I'm sorry if I gave that impression. That wasn't my intention. I respect your relationship and would never try to come between you two."

Fourth and I exchange glances, relieved by his response. "Thank you for understanding," Fourth says. "We just wanted to clear the air."

Marckris nods. "I appreciate you telling me. I'll make sure to be more mindful of how I come across."

As we leave the coffee shop, I feel a weight lift off my shoulders. Fourth wraps an arm around me. "See? It was just a misunderstanding. We're stronger than this, Gem."

I smile, leaning into him. "You're right. I'm sorry for letting my jealousy get the best of me."

"It's okay," Fourth replies, kissing my forehead. "We all have insecurities. What's important is that we talk about them and work through them together."

As we walk home, I realize that our relationship is built on trust and communication. No matter what challenges come our way, we'll face them together.


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