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Chapter 4: The One-In-A-Million Imperial Aura

Translator: Henyee Editor: JulesNye

The demon rampage six years ago was perhaps one of the gravest catastrophes that Huaxiu nation had ever faced since its founding.

Failure to properly contain residual spirit energy had resulted in the contamination of the fabric of space, creating holes in the space barrier which allowed the demon world to take advantage of the Gate Between Worlds.

The demon rampage that year had been so devastating that in one night, Huaxiu nation had made economic losses that ran into tens of billions.

The strangest thing was that the demons had retreated as quickly as they had come, but those few days had given rise to several heroic cultivators who had then been honored with the title of Huaxiu nation's "Cultivator of the Year."

Odd Zhuo, who had killed the fifth-ranked sky-swallowing toad with his sky-parting skill, had been one of them.

Apart from him, Wang Ling remembered that there were nine other individuals who had been granted that honor, but he couldn't recall their names.

He remembered that it had initially been a sunny and cloudless day.

Wang Ling had been walking alone down the street in the capital of Huaxiu nation, Star City.

He lived in a small villa thirty thousand li away from the city center, in a mixed urban and rural area right on the fringes of Star City. Although it was very far away, it had only taken Wang Ling around five minutes at full speed to reach the city center.

And as for his reason for traveling thousands of li to Star City, he had just wanted to buy a limited edition crispy noodle snack.

Wang Ling remembered that Small Raccoon Crispy Noodle Snacks had released a limited edition collection card that day, which was only being circulated in Star City. If you found the limited edition raccoon flashcard in your snack packet, you would be able to enjoy free crispy noodle snacks for the next two hundred years.

For Wang Ling, this had truly been an offer too tempting to resist.

In his memory, the value of these crispy noodle snacks was higher than even the priceless magic objects sold at the market.

Because no matter how expensive these objects were, or how rare the material used in their making, they only lasted minutes in Wang Ling's hands before he broke them.

But crispy noodle snacks were different.

Even if they broke into pieces, he could still happily gorge himself on them, and satisfy his desire for good food!

From a young age, Wang Ling had always thought that the inventor of crispy noodle snacks deserved to be given an award for them.

Just as he was hurrying to the Small Raccoon Crispy Noodle Snacks flagship store, a well-established business that had been around for some eight hundred years, the Gate Between Worlds had split the air without warning, suddenly opening with a loud boom in the sky.

This moment would be forever etched in Wang Ling's memory.

The split in the sky had happened directly above the store, and the violent vibrations and gravitational waves it caused had leveled the big store in an instant.

Already Wang Ling couldn't recall much of what he had been feeling at that time.

The only thing he remembered was that he had been so angry, and he had looked impatiently for something to vent his resentment on!

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