part 1 where it all started

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I was a good kid, good with everything, and I was always polite, but I was never satisfied. I wanted to do something that was bad that satisfied me, but....I went too far, and there's no turning back.

I'm making my way towards class with my backpack, ready to start another day being perfect. I mean, that's what my parents want for me to be perfect and succeed in everything, right? Let me get these weird thoughts out of my head. I don't want to end up being distracted, I enter Mrs. Janet's room, and I sit down before the bell rings, "I'm glad I got here on time. People make it so hard to get here they walk so slow I roll my eyes as I think about what happened, I'm early, so it's just me and Mrs. Janet, so which means I can get an early start on my work, Mrs. Janet comes up to me, not saying a word or smiling, and just gave me a worksheet she never smiles, so I didn't think much of it. The bell rings again, and some of the students enter, I count as they enter. Wow, only 8 students came in class. I don't really care they are just a waste of time. While I'm sitting at my desk, someone sits next to me. I look over at whoever it may be, I sigh it's derek he's such a asshole he doesn't know when to stop talking, and he's dumb as hell and the only he sits next to me is because I'm smart and he's needs help In everything. As the last bell rings, everyone is in class seated while Mrs. Janet is passing out worksheets to everyone while they talk to their buddies while derek looks over at my worksheet copying off of me he doesn't even try to make himself unnoticeable, I try to hide my paper but it doesn't work so I just let him. That's when Mrs. Janet walks up to the board and puts words and sentences up . Of course, I notice, and I watch while Derek is still writing down the exact same words I have on my paper that's when Mrs. Janet stops writing and sits down on her phone. Knowing she probably won't teach is nothing today. I should really report her to the principal, but if I do them ,popular kids will get to me. * derek is one of them, but he doesn't pick on me sometimes because his parents are a friend of my parents. He teases me with those stupid nicknames he has for me, sweetcheeks, sweetheart, or his little nerd. Like, wtf do you mean your little nerd? I'm not a nerd. I'm just smart, like jeez. I can't be smart without being called a nerd. The bell rings, and I've been caught up. In my thoughts the whole time, I can't believe how fast time has gone by, I pack up my things and leave Mrs. Janet's classroom and head to my least favorite class. Gym, I get picked on like crazy in there, mostly by Derek's girlfriend Veronica, Veronica is one of those who pick me, choose me type of bitch she gets on my nerves and she throws balls at me when she tries to play basketball she can't play or hoop for shit she's only trying to impress boys but she fails so hard, as I sit down on the bleachers I'm on my phone with my earplugs in until I girl comes up to me with purple hair and a nose piercing with black and purple clothing I look up at her while she flashes a grin at me I ask is there something wrong she says no and tell me " to come to the back of the school with her" obviously I wanted to say no but I didn't want to be mean and so I followed her to the back of the school doesn't sound sketchy at all. So we reached the back of the school, and we sent behind a big tree, and her packback was there's it looked very interesting a cat playing a guitar cool I guess, she reaches in her backpack and pulls out a cigarette pack and pulls out a lighter I look at her shocked and I look around before i ask "What the hell are you doing with those do you know what kind of trouble we can get in?!" She tells me to relax, but I can't. This is bad, very bad, as I'm a good kid, not a bad one. As im distracted she then she shoves a cigarette in my mouth and puts the lighter close to it, and it kinda..feels good as I take it out my mouth and let the smoke come out my mouth I feel relaxed she tells me " was that so hard" I shake my head as she continues to talk " I forgot to tell you my name the name is daisy" sweet name for a rebel I thought but I feel like I heard that name before as i try to remember her name she asks me do I wanna go off campus I almost said no but I say yes she picks up her backpack and heads over to the gates of the school and jumps over them and waits for me I thought do I really wanna do this without thinking again I threw my packback over the gate and jumped over it and we left the school heading to the woods from across the school where more people were at of course when we got to our destination deep down in the woods it was two 10th graders and me and her they introduced themselves as Gwen and Stephanie as they asked what's my name I tell them my name is marcey they all look at each other and nod and tells me that's a cool ass name when they told me that I felt kinda badass but It didn't get to me to much as they all started smoking and daisy handed me my own pack of cigarettes and I pulled out one and daisy handed me a lighter and I smoked I couldn't believe what I was doing as hours went on we were talking so much about life and boys and who we wanted dead we didn't even notice that school was about to end in 9 minutes we all said our goodbyes as daisy and I head back to school I was about to head to my bus until daisy told me she has a motorcycle and do I wanna get dropped off I obviously say yes with my heart thumping out loud as me and her went to the parking lot and we both got on as I held on to her with my head against her shoulder while she drove me home to my perfect Rich household. When I got home, I got off her bike, and I asked "same thing tomorrow?" She nodded as she drove off, waving bye as I entered my house. I was greeted with angry faces from my mom and dad, who was dressed nicely in expensive attire they both got closer and asked me, " Why weren't you in 3 of your classes!? I'm a bad liar, so I try to make up a lie, and I say, " I got pulled out to help a teacher"  my parents look at each other and then my cigarettes fell out the pocket of my backpack my mom gasps and my dad's eyes widens as I back up away from them my mom picks them up and screams " YOU HAVE BEEN SMOKING CIGARETTES?!" then my dad yells " THATS IT YOUNG LADY YOU SKIPPED 3 OF YOUR CLASSES THEN WE FIND OUT YOU SMOKE IVE HAD ENOUGH LET ME GUESS YOUVE BEEN SMOKIMG BEHIND OUR BACKS THE WHOLE TIME?!. His face says it all my mother turns away from me while my father yells at me more i tuned him out until he said something about boarding school my eyes widen as I hear that I scream " WHAT!?. My father looks at me in a mad but calmer voice " after what you pulled today I dont even want to see your face I'm sending you boarding school go pack you'll be leaving tomorrow now go to your room I don't want to see your face" I look up at him with my teary eyes as I stomp away to my room slamming my door and I plop on my bed crying, I get on my phone and text daisy telling her everything she texts back 3 minutes later asking me one question

Daisy: do you wanna run away

               Marcey: I can't do that what if I get caught..
Daisy: you won't now pack your things I'll be at your house I'm 20 minutes don't worry I got you

Marcey: okay.. I'll pack up

I get off my phone as I pack up everything not everything just some clothes some brushes for my coily hair and some perfume and the teddy bear my dad gave me when I felt like he actually loved me as I hear a horn motor sounds I know it's her i run to my window and opening it as there is a tree beside my window I as I jump on the tree and climb down I jump over the gate and I hope on her motorcycle putting my bag over my shoulder and resting my head on her shoulder crying quietly while she pulls off far away from my house

Knowing this was just the beginning

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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