who are you ?

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Third person pov
Still in teuchis little stand Maeve was catching up with a lot of things She had lost

Teuchi and his daughter Ayane seem more then eager to let her know almost everything

"And one of the most important things this village has is the statue that we built for you " he says
This seems to catch her attention

"A statue , for me?? " She asks surprised

"Yes this village really values you as their hero , the statue is honored every year on 5 of April when you were sealed away " Ayane says then her eyes catch the other person who enters the stand
"Oh lord hokage what can we get you ?" She questions kakashi

"Can you drop th lord thing , I'm still kakashi you all know?" He says awkwardly then his eyes catch Maeve who is lost on thoughts with her eyes closed

"Can you tell me where this statue is ?" She questions teuchi not even acknowledging kakashi

"Yeah it's on the we.." teuchi starts but kakashi interrupts

"I can take you there if you want !" He says more then questions

This time she turns her eyes at him
Her green eyes looking right through his eyes into his soul

"Who are you ?" She questions him

"Lady mikage he's the new hokage lord kakashi hatake " Ayane says to Maeve who is still looking at kakashi
The latest one is now scratching the back of his neck while laughing a bit

"Hmph " she says and gets up from her seat fixing her dress a bit
She turns around and kakashi is still seating in his place
"Well , are you going to take me or not?" She questions looking at him

"Oh right , sorry " he says getting up from his seat then putting his hands on his pockets and starts walking along with her

They keep walking in silence till they reach the destination

Kakashi keeps walking near the statue but Maeve stops right at the entry of the shrine made for her
Looking dead on her tracks at the sight before her

Kakashi realises she has stopped and then just sits down on his favorite bench just looking at the sight infront of him

She walks close to the statue All the memories of this moment coming back to her fast making her raise her hand towards the statue "Wind style, immense breakthrough " she yells

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She walks close to the statue
All the memories of this moment coming back to her fast making her raise her hand towards the statue
"Wind style, immense breakthrough " she yells

She walks close to the statue All the memories of this moment coming back to her fast making her raise her hand towards the statue "Wind style, immense breakthrough " she yells

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And just as she was about to release it to the statue a hand pulls hers up and it goes in th sky

"Why did you stop me?" She says not looking at him with zero emotion on her face

"I can't let you do it , this statue means a lot to all this villagers and to me , I found confort in it when I was losing my self " kakashi says looking at her

"Whatever " she says and pulls her hand out of his grip and turns to leave

"I have made my decision , I will stay within my house and not come out until I feel like it , do not disturb me with your presence or other people " she says with her back turned at him
"Do we understand eachother ?" She says

"If you want to hide , go ahead hide , no one is going to stop you , but if you want to come out , I'll help you " he says

"Why ?" She whispers but he hears it

"Because even if your statue it helped me a lot , so im just returning the favor " he says Then she leaves

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