Love In Hell (Romantic Minho x Newt)

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Minho’s P.O.V

It's not the time to be in love. Not out in the middle of the Scorch (hell). It's not a good idea to be in love in hell.

What the shuck am I supposed to do about it though? Just push back every emotion I have until we're safe? Pretend it's not there?

Pretend the way he keeps looking at Thomas isn't getting under my skin?

It was starting to show by the one word responses I would give him. Because while he's looking at Teresa, Newt is looking at him, while I’m looking at Newt. It's just not fair.

I was glaring at him again. I wasn't trying to, but I was. He still has Newt’s attention in a way that I want. What did he ever do to deserve it?

Not fair, not fair, not fair! It's not fair!

“You okay there?”Fry asked.

“Fine,”I answered shortly.

“You sure?”


“Are you-”
“I said I’m fine,”I snapped, getting up and walking further away. Why is he in my business? Why is anyone in my business? Why can’t everyone just leave me the hell alone?

Storming away more, I crossed my arms over my chest as I glared at the air. This is ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous.

“Hey Min-”
“What do you want!?”I shouted without actually listening to their voice. Turning around, I instantly felt like klunk when I saw that it was Newt.

“I was just checking on you, but if you want to be left alone-”
“No. Not if it's you,”I said quickly.

“You want me to walk with you then? Blow off some steam?”He offered.

“Yes. Yes I would,”I agreed. Going up to me, he stayed next to me as we headed to who knows where. It didn't matter as long as I got to actually spend time with him.

“What's been up with you lately? You’ve been off for a while now,”He asked.

“Nothing,”I lied, not meeting his gaze.

“I’ve known you for three years. I definitely know when you're lying,”He pointed out.

“It doesn't matter, okay? Let's just talk about something else,”I suggested.

“Okay. Well, Tommy-”
“Enough about Thomas! I don't want to hear about him!”I snapped, throwing him a harsh look. Looking at me with wide eyes, he then crossed his arms as he cocked his head to the aide as if it would let him see inside mine. Glancing to the right, I refused to look at him.

“Are you jealous of Thomas?”He rightfully accused.

“What's it matter? You obviously have feelings for him so whatever I feel doesn't mean anything,”He grumbled.

“And what do you feel?”He interegated, stepping closer to me.

“Nothing you would ever feel about me. For Thomas, sure, but me? No.”

“I can't tell you if that's true if you don't say what it is, can I?”He whispered, stepping forward so that one more inch would push my lips against his.

“Is it not obvious by my words now?”

“Maybe it is, but I can't be sure. Not unless I hear you say it.”

“Fine,”I gave in, taking a breath. “In the middle of this hell I realized something. When I pushed that Crank off of you in the mall, the way I could have lost you again brought me back to years ago. I was too young to know it then, but I definitely do now. I’m older now. I’m old enough to finally realize that I’m in love with you. So take your eyes off of Thomas, and look at me,”I finished, pressing my palms to his face so he had to. So he had to look at me, and I had to stare directly into his warm brown eyes with flecks of gold in them.

“It's a good thing I was never looking at Thomas, isn't it?”

“Then who have you been looking at?”

“Don't you already know?”

“I do. I’m just waiting for you to say it,”I dared.

“You Minho. I’ve always been looking at you,”He admitted, putting his arms around my shoulders. Doing the same, I leaned in until my lips were pressed against his. Kissing me back, he pulled me so close we may as well have been one person, and we wouldn't have minded that. We both knew that. We both felt it as I deepened the kiss, and he let me. He didn't hesitate to let me, proving that he had been waiting for this, hoping for this, wishing for this, just as much as I did.

This is fair. This is the exact kind of love in hell that I’ve been waiting for.

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